"I understand. I'll find a way to remove Asher from that situation," Timothy affirmed.

"It might not be so simple. Mr. Shelbert has always desired a male heir to continue his family legacy. Since he doesn't have a son, a grandson would likely suffice.

"My point is he won't easily allow you to take Asher away, especially since legally, Asher is Luna's biological child. If you pursue custody, you have no legal standing," Mia explained.

It appeared that resolving this matter would be challenging unless Timothy voluntarily disclosed the truth about Asher's parentage. However, Mia knew this was highly improbable. Moreover, Luna would likely escalate her actions if Timothy were to reveal his true identity.

Timothy hesitated before asking, "Is Sage okay? I heard they were in a fight."

"You should be more concerned about Asher," Mia replied. "After all, Nicholas taught Sage self-defense techniques, and he ended up pinning Asher to the ground and giving him quite a beating."

Timothy breathed a sigh of relief at Mia's words. He knew Sage had faced many challenges growing up.

altercation earlier, Timothy swiftly put everything

be the one involved

paused before continuing, "Regarding Luna's ankle tattoo, I've conducted some

her reaction was quite telling. She

also initiated a reinvestigation into the maids from that time. Though we haven't uncovered concrete

lack direct

head-on, there was no way to conclusively incriminate

"Since you've considered it thoroughly, I trust you have a plan in place.

not mine. When the time is right, I'll fill

give you a lift," he

mutually advantageous. With my expertise in Bern City, I can ensure the hotel's development

this. There are other potential collaborators, so I must weigh my options

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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