At that moment, a hush settled over the dining room.

Breaking the silence, Ginger's sweet voice rang out. "Mommy, what's the proper way to address her?"

Mia responded tenderly, "You should call her Great-Grandma Laura."

"In that case, I need to find Great-Grandma Laura a present!" Ginger declared.

Mia's lips curved into a warm smile upon hearing Ginger's words.

Meanwhile, Sage casually stole a glance at Ginger and remarked, "Uncle Dominic hasn't given us the go-ahead for our trip to Bern City yet."

Turning his attention to Sage and Ginger, Dominic asked, "So, do both of you want to go back?"

Ginger nodded eagerly. "Great-Grandma Laura seems really sick. Maybe if I spend more time with her, she'll recover faster!"

In a fleeting moment, Mia's eyes shimmered with emotion. Ginger, always the comforting presence, never ceased to touch her heart.

Maintaining his stoic demeanor, Sage remarked, "It doesn't matter to me."

"Now that Mrs. Barrett Senior has finally woken up, I think it's only fair

scoffed dismissively, "What's there to admire? You know well how the


you can take Sage and Ginger to Bern City. It's an opportunity to visit Aunt Patricia; I'm sure

exactly what I had in mind. Besides, it'll be wonderful to

"It's been too long since our last

best to carve out time for a visit too. I've been craving

shoulders. Despite initial hesitations, Dominic had finally agreed to let her take Sage and Ginger

Dominic," Mia said

Dominic's expression remained

you having contact with anyone from the Barrett family. I simply agreed to let you take Sage and Ginger to visit Aunt Patricia. Don't read too much into

deliberate, but she chose not to dwell on them. As long as Dominic had given his approval, she felt content. Still, Mia valued her brothers' supportiveness, always ready

be made together, as a unified

a heartfelt conversation with Sage

the Barrett family, she made it clear to him

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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