Luna's rage surged. The audacity of a mere waitress to trigger her now was beyond belief.

In an instant, her hand shot forward, delivering a sharp slap. "Are you blind? Do you have any idea how much this dress costs? Your entire salary wouldn't even begin to cover it!"

The waitress rushed to apologize, saying, "I'm sorry, it was an accident. Allow me to help you clean your dress."

Luna's expression remained scornful as she fixed her gaze on the waitress. "Do you even recognize the brand of this dress? It's unlikely you can clean it adequately! Hand-washing simply won't suffice." Feeling embarrassed by the situation, the waitress proposed, "I'm terribly sorry. May I cover the dry cleaning costs for you?"

"Dry cleaning costs? Are you truly unaware or simply feigning ignorance?" Luna shot back, her tone dripping with disdain.

Suddenly, she lunged forward and delivered a sharp jab to the waitress's head. "This dress is made from high-quality fabric. Whether it's hand-washed or dry-cleaned, these stains are nearly impossible to remove. You were deliberately attempting to ruin it, weren't you?"

"Ms. Maynard, I swear it wasn't intentional! I'm truly sorry!" the waitress replied, her voice brimming with remorse.

"Apologies won't suffice. If they did, we wouldn't need the police, would we? I already knew someone like you would envy the dress I'm wearing.

wear something like this in your life. That's why

the drink on me, ruining my dress, and now you're here, pretending to be innocent, seeking sympathy

anger surged forth as she directed her

to offend the guests present, berating a waitress came naturally to her, especially since she was hosting today's

then, Mia intervened. She glanced at the waitress before addressing Luna, "Luna, don't assign blame where it doesn't belong.

red wine! Is this the level of service provided by Aide Castle

accidental, and I saw it unfold. It's apparent that you inadvertently bumped into the waitress' tray, resulting in the

considering the status of everyone here, it's reasonable to assume that we all have

lacks maturity. If Mr. Shelbert were to become aware of this, how do you suppose he would regard you?" "Leave my Dad out


afford to act impulsively as she once did; she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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