Mia cast a sidelong glance at Timothy as he turned back, raising an eyebrow in curiosity. What could he possibly be planning now? Timothy stood tall, his authoritative demeanor exuding an aura of intimidation that left Mia feeling somewhat uneasy.

He pressed his lips together nervously before softly saying, "Goodnight."

With that, Timothy turned on his heel and walked away.

Mia remained rooted to the spot, completely baffled.

Was this some peculiar display of heterosexual romance?

As Mia turned around, her attention was caught by Ginger and Sage standing by the door, their small heads peeking out.

Clearing her throat awkwardly, she stuttered, "W-Why are you both here?"

Ginger's hand flew to her mouth upon hearing Mia's words. "Sage asked me to come along," she blurted out nervously.

Sage shot Ginger a disapproving glance, surprised by her quick admission.

Stepping forward casually, he remarked, "I just wanted to get some fresh air."

nonchalant demeanor, Mia could easily sense his underlying motive. He clearly wanted to come out to keep

approached Ginger and Sage, she clasped their hands gently. "Shall we make our way

curious expression. "Why didn't

he had known it was a gift from Timothy, he certainly

transforming his tidy

only fair he showers you with gifts. If you like

demeanor. "But I don't want anything from

like you care more than you're letting

care about him?" Sage shot back, his

often wore, Mia couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "If you net truly didn't care, why are you s bothered by his gifts? Look

as easy to please as she is,"

"If there are issues between you and him, it's best to resolve them

are you just going to forgive him like

wasn't solely his fault. We were both manipulated. As for our past, it's not something you need to worry about. Anyway,

had transpired, Mia realized that whether or not she forgave Timothy was no longer

all back then, Timothy was obligated to marry someone like her-an orphan. It seemed unlikely that a man of his pride would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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