When my mother told me that I needed to go and stay with my father a year ago, I was less than impressed with it. I knew that our pack was having difficulties as the Alpha had just died and his 19-year-old arrogant prick of a son was our new Alpha but sending me away seemed a little extreme. I didn't want to leave. I was only 16 and all my friends were there and my whole life had been that werewolf pack.

My father had since found a new mate and she is an evil woman who hates kids and especially hated me cramping their style. When I first arrived at their house she acted as though I was a toddler and I was going to completely disrupt their lives. I wasn't a fucking child. I knew how to take care of myself. If they wanted to go out then they didn't need to find me a babysitter. I was old enough to be a babysitter. But she still hated my presence here in the house.

She vowed as soon as I moved into the house that I was going to get a job and take care of myself. They weren't even going to buy food for me. I needed to be completely independent. They weren't going to help me with anything. If I was going to have a phone then I needed to find the money to pay for it. They didn't help me with anything and acted like I wasn't there.

When they did speak to me it was usually because they wanted something. But otherwise, I didn't exist to them. Which I guess I was fine with. I started working at a diner and I was grateful for the job. It meant that I didn't have to be at home and the tips weren't too bad. Everyone in town knew who my stepmother was and I guess they took pity on me. I didn't mind. It meant more money for me.

I tried to live as simply as possible so that I could save up as much money as I could. And once I had enough money saved, I was going to move out of their house. I knew I couldn't stay there for too long. But it was a little hard when I had school as well. And I did every other activity that I could get involved in so that I didn't have to go home.

" Hey Taylor." Someone sang out to me as I was walking out of school one afternoon and I turned around.

" Hey Carter. How's it going?" I asked.

" Pretty good. What are you doing now?" He asked.

" Work." I say.

" Seriously? Can't you play hooky just once? We're all going to the swimming hole." He says. Basically, the swimming hole was just a dingy little creek where kids just hang out and make out with each other. I always knew what Carter was always implying when he invited me there, but I wasn't interested in him like that. Which is why I always declined. Luckily my life was busy enough that I could get away with the excuses because they were true.

" I'd love to. But I can't. I need the money." I say.

" Your stepmother still refusing to pay for anything?" He asked.

" She's never going to change. She's never going to give me anything. Except maybe give me a hand to pack when I want to move out." I say. And he chuckled.

" It would be really awesome to hang out with you outside of school sometime." He says.

" Yeah. It would be. But I have to work the shifts that they give me." I say.

" Alright. Well, I'll see you tomorrow then." He says.

" Yeah. You probably will." I say.

I walked the three blocks to the diner and I got dressed into my uniform in the bathroom out the back and then I headed out to the dining room and I grabbed my notebook and pen and I started waiting the tables that I was in charge of for the night.

all it was. Especially the young guys that came in. I was nice but not overly nice. I wasn't going to lead them on in any way possible. I wasn't going to give them the wrong idea. No matter how

to kick those guys out?" My manager James asked as I took their order to the

don't deal with every day." I say going over to get their drinks.

sure? One of them grabbed your ass." He

it's a nice ass." I

them? Do you remember what happened last

I'm not that

you need to shrink a little and wear a smaller bra size as well." He says.

feet with big tits. It's something I have to deal with. And dealing with guys like that because of

got the image of one of the customers bailing me up at the counter once and not letting me past. He was big and menacing and had that advantage over me, But luckily, I'd had enough training by that point that it wasn't too hard to put him in his place. Before James could even come to my rescue, I had kneed the

will. But I can handle myself." I

know you

one of them put their leg up against the next booth so that

tables to take care of."

of me first." He says trying to put his arms around my waist but I pried them

hardly the time

you have a point there. Where should we go?" He asked.

I'm sure their already waiting for you there."

that wasn't nice." He says

is you keeping me from doing my work." I say.

and make sure that you won't get fired." His

I won't get fired. Because my manager is standing right behind you." I say. And he turned around and so did the guy that was keeping

go." James says to them standing over them. And the guy let me go so I

looked like they felt

when it's ready. You're not going back over there." James says as he walked past me and I

only four hours because those guys didn't seem to want to leave until James kicked them out. And

you want a lift

hit the gym before

You be careful." He

I always am. Those guys left ages ago. I don't think they have the attention span to wait around for me that long." I say.

probably right. I'll see you

and I made the last training session for the day. I walked into the gym and I saw the pack's head warrior there. He was 6 foot 5 with short brown hair and very defined muscles with his entire back covered in a single tattoo that told a story, which always caught me off guard when I saw it. I could help by stare at it. It was something of beauty, not something that was just thrown together that you see on so

out to the gym and finished helping

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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