Alpha Jackson headed straight for the highway and slowed down as soon as we hit the road.

Almost like he was trying to make the drive go on for longer than it should.

Was this my punishment? Psychological torture? Not knowing what he was going to do to me and making it go on forever? He ordered all the other cars to go straight ahead to the pack and we were at the back of the line of cars and the warriors were ordered to go ahead as well.

Not to stick with the cars.

I was getting really nervous at this point, but I was sure that I didn't let him know that.I controlled my heart rate and my breathing and I just looked out the window in the night sky.

It had been a really long day.

And I was getting really tired.I knew that I wanted to go to sleep, but at the same time, I knew that I didn't.It was a weird feeling.

And every now and again I could feel Alpha Jackson staring at me.

Even without me looking at him.He was a menacing figure, even while sitting there quiet and calm.He didn't actually need to do anything to be scary.He just had to be there.

We were driving for about an hour and we should have been further than where we actually were but he pulled off to a parking bay that was near a hiking trail and he turned the car off.

I didn't even bother looking at him.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked letting out a breath.

"Why would I do that?" He asked.

"Because I disobeyed you." I say like it was painfully obvious.

"So, you do know my reputation." He says.

"Everyone does." I state.

"I guess you're right.But no, I'm not going to kill you.I want to know something."

He says turning in his seat and looking right at me.Which forced me to look at him.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"I want to know who that man was that you went to go and see when you ran away from the house?" He asked.

His expression remained the same.It didn't change at all.There were no signs of any emotions and I was confused as to why he even cared.

"Why does it matter? I'm probably never going to see him again." I say.

"Is he the reason you wanted to stay there? Because you were being abused." He says.

"Don't you think I know that? He was the only good thing in that pack for me.But I knew that it couldn't last forever with that guy.I knew that I would have to go back to Hudson pack." I say.

"It's Red Moon Pack now." He says.

"Right.Sorry." I say.

didn't know. Who was he?" Jackson asked

was confused as to why he cared and it was starting to piss me off

matter.And why do you care so much?"

your earlier in the night.Which means he is a warrior in that pack? Is it something that I need

I say

He asked staring me

to see him to say goodbye.That was it.And he accepted it.I reminded him that we knew it was never going to last between us.One day I would have to

that he accepted it? That he will never

than I thought he did.I heard rumours that he just used them as warriors to ward off enemies.I guess there could be more to him then

"I'm sure." I insisted.

don't need any trouble." He

then it won't be because of

to leave you in that

much? You don't even know

abuse of children.And you were being abused.I'm guessing physically too but you won't

I turned to look back

starting to lose her shit at me all the time.I don't know why."

really quickly so that no

day when I got to school, the marks were gone and

was I telling him all

know this shit.So, why was I telling a complete stranger? This guy had my head all twisted up and I

I'm getting you

little more and I was going to move out of that house

He asked looking at

a plan.I'm not an idiot."

if you come home with your mother and Isaac.Living with the former head warrior, I know that I don't have to worry about

you control everyone in your pack like this or are you just taking a special interest in me because of Lucas?"

he found a

learn some respect."

that my whole life.Hasn't really taken."I

running your mouth off whenever the hell

again.I heard him growl slightly before he started the

pace and I knew that

lot longer

would have joined his warriors and

was going slower than I would have liked him

stare like he was trying to figure

it was really starting to piss me

ask me something then just fucking ask me.Stop staring at

I snapped at him.

completely off guard and I believe it's because no one has ever spoken to him like that before.Well, he was in fora rude

I tend to say what's on

mind doesn't have much of a filter.It was unfortunate, and I knew it was going to get me into a lot of trouble one day, which could be today, but I didn't care.He was

of my pack members." He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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