"I said, what are you doing here?" Alpha Jackson asked stalking forward towards us.

I turned to see Lucas backing up against the wall like he was really terrified.

"I heard a noise and saw the door open.So I came to see what the noise was.I didn't know it was the dungeon." I say.

"Everyone has been looking for you today."

Alpha Jackson says as he finally reached me.But he kept facing me.He didn't even bother turning to look at Lucas.And I didn't both looking at Alpha Jackson.

"I needed some space and time to think" I say.

"They saw you in the woods.Right after the battle.That was dangerous." He says softer.

Like he was actually concerned about me.

"Well, I'm fine.You don't need to worry about me." I say stepping around him and starting to leave the dungeon.

I could hear him following me out of the dungeon and I went upstairs.I went back to the office and I sat there on the couch doing the work that I was meant to be doing.

Sorting through all the files and inputting the data onto the laptop.

"I don't want you going down to the dungeon again, alright." Alpha Jackson says coming into the room and closing the door behind him.

"Yeah.Fine." I say concentrating on what I was doing.

And he headed to his desk and sat behind it and started going through his own paperwork.

Not long after that the cook came in to ask about dinner.

But I wasn't hungry so I told him not to worry about me.

And Alpha Jackson said that he would get something himself later.I could feel Alpha Jackson keeping an eye on me the whole time I was in his office.

And my phone started going off but when I saw that it was my mother trying to call me, I ignored it.It happened three more times and I realized that it was 11pm and I was still sitting in the office working.

And Alpha Jackson hadn't left either.

"Taylor.Are you planning on going home tonight?" Alpha Jackson asked.

"I can't face my mother right now.Can I sleep here on the couch." I say.

"Don't be stupid.This house has a dozen bedrooms.Come on, we'll go find you one." He says.

So we packed up our stuff and we headed upstairs to the top floor which was usually reserved for the Alpha only.But he told me that I could have the room across from his room since no one else lived in the house.

Not even the Beta.

Jackson gave me some clothes to sleep in which was just one

to have a smoke before I climbed into bed.I practically melted into the bed and it was the most comfortable bed and bedding that I have ever slept in, in my entire life.I didn't really

me.I sat up and looked behind me where I could hear water falling and there was a beautiful lake with a waterfall above it.I could see larger than normal creatures flying around

They amazed me.

my reflection and I was wearing a beautiful

"Hello there."

a women standing there with long flowing brown hair, wearing a similar dress to

am I?" I

Faerie Kingdom."



at her wondering

hard for you to be speechless.That's

know that?" I asked

see us.But we've seen you.You are so much more than we could have ever imagined." She says smiling warmly

name?" I

assigned to

a guardian?"I asked

the years.Come, take a walk with me." She

lake towards the

glowed in the

lit up when

in circles trying to see everything.And I heard

just a dream,

real fearie world.I wanted to meet you so I bought you here in your dreams.I believed that it was time we met.And that it was time you got to know who you really are.I saw

always known?" I asked cautiously

known.Since the day that you were born.You had the

she knew.But this was

about my father?" I asked as I reached out to touch a

seemed to like it when I stroked it, just like a puppy dog

meet him one day, but he thinks that

about him a few hours ago." I say still fascinated by the

be special.Someone to be proud of.And he can't wait to meet you." She says looking at me and she took

again.Real soon.I promise.I am your guardian and I will never forget you or leave you to yourself.I will always

I don't want

to come here for real, very soon.But I'll

I got up and I headed downstairs to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee.I sat on the front stairs of the packhouse with a smoke and I saw the warriors who were training go jogging past the house with their instructor and almost all of them slowed down

yelled at them to keep up the pace.I could only imagine what they were thinking.I was here on the packhouse steps at dawn wearing

the front of the house and he got out with a bag in

up early." Alpha Jackson says walking

to say the same to you." I say looking at the bag in

talk about it.But that she understood that you didn't want to go home yet.So I bought you some of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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