Mine – The Alpha’s Possession By Kylie CHAPTER 26

“Hi. I was wondering where you were. I went to your mother’s house earlier but no one was there.” Ethan explained.

“I’ve been staying here. Mom and I aren’t exactly on the best of terms right now.” I say leaning on the kitchen island in the middle of the room.

“How do you two know each other?”

Jackson asked taking a step closer. But he wasn’t fooling me. He stepped between me and Ethan so that we weren’t directly in front of each other.

“Ethan was the head warrior at Richmond Pack while I was there. Taught me everything I know.” I say with a hint of undertone to make Jackson question what Ethan had taught me.

“That scent. I knew I recognised your scent.” Jackson says looking at Ethan, and not in a nice way. I could hear a slight growl coming up from his throat and Ethan looked at me in confusion and a little fear. He was clueless to the whole situation.

I couldn’t believe that Jackson was reacting like that when he was meant to be my mate but wouldn’t acknowledge me as his mate just yet. It was completely ridiculous to me and I just rolled my eyes behind his back.

“He’s the one that you went to go and see before I took you from that pack. He’s the one that you were sleeping with in Richmond Pack.” Jackson growled out.

“Yes. He was. Until I left the pack and I tried to call him numerous time and he ignored me.” I say taking the food to the counter and I started making dinner.

“I left the pack the day after you did. I got accepted for that training camp. I wasn’t allowed a phone.” Ethan says. And I stopped what I was doing and I turned to look at him.

“What?” I asked confused.

“I told you about that intense training program that I applied for. I got in, I just didn’t know how to tell you. But then you came to me that night and told me that you were leaving so there was no point. But while I was there, none of us were allowed phones. That was one of the main rules. We needed to keep focused on what we were doing. I saw all your missed calls when I left there.” Ethan explained. And I didn’t know how to respond to that.

All this time I thought he was being an arsehole but now I know it’s because he didn’t have access to his phone. And I felt like a bitch for thinking all those bad things about him. But I had to remind myself that we couldn’t get into anything here. We couldn’t get back into our old relationship here. Not while Jackson and I are mated and hadn’t rejected each other at least.

“Well, I’m sorry I called you a using miserable son of a bitch.” I say.

“What?” He asked.

“I thought you were avoiding me because you were done with me. So, I may have. called you a few bad things.” I say still making my dinner.

“I get that.” Ethan says.

“Well, why didn’t you tell me that you came from Richmond pack?” Jackson asked.

warrior, but a few things have come out lately about that pack and I was thankful that I left when I did.” Ethan

I’ve heard some stories.” Jackson says

What’s going on

few things. Richmond Pack have declared war against another pack. A much larger pack that

again?” I asked curiously looking around Jackson so


Why the hell would he declare war against you? ” I asked in

I might have pissed him off by not telling him that I was on his land to collect you.” Jackson says trying not to

telling him. Why would you

collect you. But obviously your father and stepmother had something to say about it to the Alpha.” Jackson says

calmed the situation down. Thomas and Victoria would have made

getting involved.” He

are all the fucking same. You can never bring yourself to ask for help from a woman.” I say grabbing my sandwich and heading for the door of the kitchen.

are you going?” Jackson sang out

a couple of phone calls that will smooth this supposed war over.” I yelled as I kept

put my sandwich down. and started eating it while I was looking through

“Hello.” He answered.

It’s Taylor Stevenson.

is so good to hear your voice. How are

I just heard something disturbing. Are you really starting a war with Alpha

kidnapped you from my pack.”

and Victoria tell you that?”

that he forced you to leave.” Alpha Richmond

carry me to the car and force me to leave. I left on my own. I decided to go, so I did. Thomas and Victoria are just pissed

the truth or is he there with you?”

me. I know that he should have asked permission to be on your land, but whatever Thomas and Victoria

god. What have those two


But why did it take you so long to call

it. The Alpha wouldn’t disclose something like this to a

I am very happy that you’re safe. ” He

Alpha Richmond.”

a stranger. You call whenever you need to.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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