Chapter 226 That Will Not Happen

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Everyone at the dining table looked at Roxanne with more admiration. They even had the urge to take her in as their disciple.

However, recalling that she had rejected even Gerald’s offer, they felt embarrassed to speak up.

Gerald quickly changed the topic, but the conversation still stayed within the medical field.

Because of Roxanne’s performance earlier in the afternoon, whenever Gerald raised new questions in the conversation, everyone would immediately turn their gazes to her.

Roxanne felt as though she had joined another conference, with everyone placing the main focus on her.

Fortunately for her, such an atmosphere did not last long. Gerald soon realized the atmosphere had turned a little too solemn for the occasion, so he quickly navigated the conversation to something more relaxing.

everyone else, Roxanne and Larry became their main

offered her drinks, Roxanne couldn’t find an excuse to reject them. She would

drinks in a row and noticing how her seniors still intended to give her more, Roxanne quickly made an excuse to go to

in dark blue with a touch of white, which gave

around the door to the private room, Roxanne finally felt sober. She knew she couldn’t

“Dr. Jarvis?”

of his beer belly, and the buttons on his shirt seemed as though they could pop at any moment. Also, the man’s cheeks were flushed, indicating that

a couple of steps forward. He looked as if he was about to stick his face

some distance between them before

was a doctor working in the hospital that was a partner of Roxanne’s research institute. Roxanne had only met him several times before this, and aside from his last name Chambers, Roxanne knew

got bolder and looked at Roxanne in a perverted manner. “I remember thinking you’re beautiful when we met at the research institute. Dr. Jarvis, now that I’ve seen you out of your research lab coat, I realize that not only you’re beautiful, but

“Look at your face. It’s glowing. Let me

had stretched out his greasy hand toward her, Roxanne felt disgusted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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