Chapter 394

All the mention of Estella‘s condition, Roxanne heart clenched. Yet, she couldn‘t show it in front of Lucian,

Just when she was determined to leipni indifference, Jonathan aborty tumical the subject to her “I remember Essic like you lou back when you came to rent my grandfather, Dr. Jarvis I wonder if her condition will improve it she spends more time with you.”

Alier saying that he nonchalantly added, “I was the first time I have ever seen her showing such Giver for someone else that I was shocked them.”

Roxanne‘s hand lightened around the fork in de hand. She didn‘t know how to tell him that she was the reason for listella‘s gravanced condition

At the side, Lucian agreed with Jonathan and stable at her with lyrics look in his eyes,

In the past, shed relent as long as I brought up Essieu torchee But this time, it‘s painfully clear that she has already hardened her heart to it all.

the dining table, and Roxanne could distinctly scuse the women‘s gazes on her. It was as though they were both

the meal turned into such

also very worried about Essie‘s condition, but I don‘t think i have that much influence over her. In terms of keeping her company, I led that Ms. Pearson is far more suited to do so. After all, they‘re going to be mother

out. Jonathan

wanted to refute that, for she was Estella‘s biological mother despite Aubree wanting to be Estella‘s

abruptly realized that she had

quite know how to reply to

his lips curved into a siirk. “Ms. Jarvis is right. Essic has nothing to do with her, so why should she help

stillened for a heartbeat when she heard that, but she ultimately

fury blazed

of them. Jonathan felt a touch guilty

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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