Chapter 387

“Still, what are you going to do now that you‘ve learned about this?” Jonathan hesitantly asked as he curiously stared at Lucian.

Jonathan was certain that his friend was interested in Roxanne.

However, whether or not Lucian was going to stand up against Sonya for Roxanne was something Jonathan was unsure about.

Lucian frowned as frustration washed over him. A beat later, he finally uttered, “I‘ll think of a way to deal with Farwell Group. Will you be able to assist with Roxanne‘s side?”

Jonathan was baffled to hear that.

Think of a way? What does that even mean? Is he going to go up against Mrs. Farwell or not?

When Lucian heard no response from Jonathan, he added, “It‘s fine if it‘s inconvenient for you. I‘ll think of a way myself. For now, I can‘t go up against my mother in public.”

mother was, the more he went up against her for Roxanne, the more irked

regardless of everything,

had to be more or less

they need for now, I won‘t be able to do this long–term. Dr. Jarvis will need

that, Lucian knitted his brows even

far smoother if you back me up,“Jonathan responded as he arched a brow. “T‘ll just be looking

if it‘s possible, try

well–he knew she would not just leave the research institute to

help out, Roxanne would certainly do her best to

“No problem!”

just said, and he knitted his brows in shock. “Wait.

Lucian nodded.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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