Chapter 355 Not Good For Her Mental Condition

After some thought, Aubree pulled out her phone and called Sonya.

It did not take long before Sonya answered the call. “Is something wrong, Aubree?”

“Mrs. Farwell, can you please come over? My arm hurts so bad, and I’m scared…” Aubree’s voice was full of unease.

“Just give me a moment. I’ll be right over,” promised Sonya immediately.

With that, the woman hurriedly got changed before striding out the door.

Only after getting into her car did Sonya begin to wonder why Aubree called her if Lucian was with the young woman.

he with you?”

him because I didn’t want to disturb him. My parents weren’t answering my calls, so I had no choice but to trouble you.”

comforted the young woman. “It’s okay. You only got hurt because of me, so taking care of

Aubree agreed to her request, Sonya hung up

hard to believe that her son would still be working at such a late

tucked Estella in after chatting with her, and as soon as he

are you? You haven’t gotten off work

figured out why his mother called almost immediately, Lucian rubbed his temple. “I have. Essie isn’t feeling well today, so I came home early

that Estella was unwell, her

afternoon. I just tucked

What happened to her today?” Sonya

was sad. In the end, he decided to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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