Mr. Conrad Proposes To His Ex-wife Again

Chapter 1020 Let's not see each other again

Elaine opened her mouth and was about to say something when Caesar's men hurried in from outside: "Mr. James, Darnell is almost here."

The smile on Caesar's face was even stronger, and he looked at Elaine with a few moments of pleasure: "Elaine, it's really not in vain that Uncle Caesar loves you for nothing."

Elaine looked at him and frowned slightly, not understanding what he meant.

Soon after, Caesar relaxed, "If it weren't for you, how would I know so easily where Darnell's weaknesses lie?"

Elaine reacted, her eyes instantly widening, "Uncle Caesar!"

"Don't worry, I'm your UNCLE, how could I hurt you."

Elaine stepped forward and took his arm, her eyes full of tears: "Uncle Caesar, I beg you, don't make any more mistakes, since you're still alive, can you go somewhere where no one knows you and start over and stop doing bad things, Darnell he ...... He won't be threatened by you."

Caesar smiled and gently patted her head: "Silly girl, today he will come here to look for you, it is enough to say everything."

"No, he didn't. ......"

"In the end, I overestimated him, and never took that marriage contract of yours seriously. If he hadn't appeared immediately every time you were in danger, I wouldn't have thought that you were actually that important to him."

Elaine tried to retort, but all that came out of her throat was a lump.

These things that were once a dream for her, have now become a burden and a drag for him.

She really did give him trouble after all ......

Elaine gradually withdrew her hand and slowly spoke, "Uncle Caesar, did you have anything to do with my accident?"

Caesar did not answer, but simply said, "I explained that they would not endanger your life."

Elaine looked at him like a stranger: "So making me marry Brendon, as well as threatening my father, was actually all at your behest."

for this, I didn't know about your relationship with Darnell at that time, since you like it, of course I support you

own business, not yours, and don't think you'll use me to

was before, of course, he could not promise me, but

this time, the men came in again, "Mr. James,

I'm saying, wouldn't it be a

and remind, "By the way Elaine, don't try to leave Riverside City or when you next come back, it will be

one left in

hiding her face in pain and

Uncle Caesar, the person she used to be the closest and most trusting to

breath, lifted

voice, Elaine looked up with teary eyes, then flung herself into his

back and whispered reassuringly,

"I saw my Uncle

"Yeah, I

had always known that the forces behind Carl were not simple, just that there was a

it is impossible to conclude that

Caesar finally

both eyes red and swollen: "Let's ...... us not see each other again, it was me who didn't know what to do before, I know... ...I know you're busy every day and have to find time to deal with me, I'm not mature or sexy not your type ...... I really feel bad, I don't want

eyes, "What did Caesar say

head and just held her mouth,

I send you home over and over

I could feel that it was me who had been unwilling to let you go, so I pestered you, but now that I've figured it out, I'll find a relationship with a guy

she could finish her sentence, she

in place, forgetting to

seconds, Darnell slowly backed away and held

she got into the car that Elaine spoke back to

said, "Archer

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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