Mr. Conrad Proposes To His Ex-wife Again

Chapter 529: You Shouldn’t Do That

Two days after that, in the Conrad Group’s board meeting…

Nathan said in the Director office, “Mr. Conrad, the Chairman and Young Master Justin have arrived.”

“Alright,” Clarence replied. He sat in front of the desk while his finger knocked lightly on it like he was deep in thoughts.

Nathan continued, “I’ve made arrangements with the airport. Everything is well-prepared.”

Clarence stood up after a few minutes. He said softly, “Let’s go.”

In the spacious meeting room, Dempsey was sitting on the seat of the host. Justin was sitting beside Dempsey in his wheelchair. An empty seat was reserved on the right side of Justin’s wheelchair. It was for Clarence.

Everyone had arrived in the meeting room.

Dempsey said when he saw Clarence walked in, “Now that everyone is here. I shall start with the main purpose of this board meeting.”

As Clarence seated, Dempsey continued, “Everyone knows I have another son, other than Clarence. Justin was in retreat before this due to health issues. Now that he’s almost recovered, I thought it’s going to be a good idea for him to get out of the house more.”

“After all these years, I’ve realized that even Clarence was capable of managing the company well, but the Conrad Group is a big company, and Clarence could sometimes miss a spot or two. As Clarence’s big brother, Justin too is the legal successor of the Conrad Group. He should contribute to the company as well.”

Dempsey paused for a while and continued, “So, I was thinking that from today onwards, Justin will be coming into the Conrad Group as a General Manager.”

The meeting room was filled with chatter and discussions as soon as Dempsey finished his announcement.

Everybody knew that Dempsey only held the position of the Chairman in the Conrad Group, but in fact, he didn’t have any say when it came to big decisions about the company. The amount of shares Dempsey was holding was very little.

Nobody would have an opinion if Dempsey brought Justin into the Conrad Group and gave him an insignificant job.

But now, Dempsey wanted to give Justin the General Manager position. The position only held lesser power than Clarence in the company.

It indicated that the Conrad Group was going to have a dramatic change.

Dempsey would even regain his power in the company.

Would Mr. Conrad agree with it?

Clarence remained silent and sat in his place as people chattered and discussing around him.

Dempsey raised his hand, “Silent.”

Soon, everybody stopped talking.

“I know it is a difficult decision to adjust to, but Justin was holding forty per cent of shares of the company. I believe he is the best fit

room was surprised, and they all looked at

by the fact that Justin was holding forty per cent

cent of the share, and he had the ultimate say for the

What was that?

knew it was hard for people to believe in what he

and signaled the assistant to turn on

the agreement Jon sent back two

the image was blurry when the projector turned

raised his voice,

replied, “I’ve checked before we came.

problems occurred to our

Dempsey was speechless.


a forged photo even if they had a copy of the fax. A copy of the fax wouldn’t be much of

“He’s already got off



same time, in the

the plane. The customs officers took him in for an investigation as Jon was listed as a suspect for


at Jon with an

hand in his phone, then cooperate with the investigation with a stack

Damn it!

several bad lucks these two days after

get away from them, and he managed to get into the plane to City N at last. However, the bad luck

a set-up

Jon didn’t understand was how Clarence made arrangements in London to get him

as Jon knew, Clarence didn’t have much connection in

the initial reason why Jon set

knew Jon almost got

Vincent sent Nathan a text informing him that everything

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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