Chapter 291

Stella scampered towards Weston with her bangs fluttering in the air. When she finally got to him, her hair was a cluttered mess.

“This place is like a maze,” said Weston, calmly smoothing Stella’s hair back in place with his fingers. “I was worried that you’d get lost.”

“Lost?” Stella laughed. “How could anyone get lost in a tiny place like this?” Weston grabbed her hands. He noticed that they were bone dry, and his eyes turned gloomy. Stella, however, failed to notice this subtle change of his, and merely felt that he was clutching her hands a little too tightly. “It hurts!” she complained, frowning.

Weston loosened his grip on Stella’s hands. She quickly drew them back, and he saw red marks on the back of her hands.

Stella’s hands before walking away, leaving Stella to wonder what she


the rush? I haven’t even introduced

asked, rubbing

playfully lifted the chin of the svelte woman next to him. “Come on. I’ll introduce

had never changed – he had always loved the hottest celebrities. Weston had never been able to tell any of his girlfriends apart, neither did he have

for me in the car,” he told Stella, not even giving the woman

Xavier grumbled. “She should get to know my girlfriend, that way, it’ll be more fun the next time we’re out together!” Those words sounded friendly, even polite, but even the woman beside Xavier knew that it was nothing but a lot of hot air. Xavier was never with the same woman

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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