Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Marshall said, “Based on the current evidence, for reputation dispute, we’ll definitely win the lawsuit. For defamation, I’ll still need to collect more evidence.”

“Isn’t it easier to win a defamation lawsuit?”

“No. It’s stricter to sue someone for defamation. I’ll have to work more on the evidence. Only then can I win the case the first time.”

Stella was curious. “What more do you have to do?”

Marshall smiled. “This is the job of a lawyer. What you need to consider is what kind of punishment you want them to get. Do you want them to just compensate you and apologize to you? Or, do you want to send a message and deal with the root cause?”

Stella was silent.

the problem, even her phone number was leaked. Those people directly called

still many fans who liked and supported her. But, she could not ignore the mean comments whenever she saw them. Those vicious curses and insults ran wild in her mind endlessly in the dead of night. Once someone was trapped

time when she was depressed at that time. She brought her to

keyboard across the screen. They even acted like good people or vigilantes in

Why should people who hurt someone be kept out of it

record” caught her attention. She subconsciously weighed the seriousness of the consequences

tell that she was hesitating. He pondered before he said, “I experienced an incident

Stella looked at him.

was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at a young age. She was from a well–off family, and her parents were highly educated. They loved her very much. And, she was very outstanding too. Before she was diagnosed with cancer, she was just offered a graduate program at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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