Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 69

Chapter 69

The executives of Vinci Rivera Group were having a meeting

Keegan was rummaging through the papers silently as the vice president spoke.


His phone on the table vibrated. He swept his glance across the text and ignored it.

Vermont got very impatient while waiting for Keegan’s reply because he could not wait any longer to see his reaction

So, he cropped the pictures and zoomed in on Marshall holding Stella’s hand before sending them to Keegan again.

Your wife is holding hands with another man]

Keegan finally grabbed his phone and viewed the pictures.

Clearly, the pictures were taken from a distance because of how blurry they looked. However, he could tell that the lady was Stella from the way she dressed, but the man’s face who was holding her hand was blocked by the plants around him. Keegan could not see that man’s face.

Keegan frowned.

Meanwhile, Vermont continued adding fuel to the fire as if he wanted things to turn worse.

divorce from you

How could he bring her to such a cheap restaurant? I wonder what your wife sees in him.

firebrand and texted Stella

[Where are you?]

She swept her glance across her phone

done ordering, she received a few

[Why aren’t you replying?]

me back if you see

[Did you go blind?]


Stella’s mouth twitched.

right now? He wouldn’t care at

as soon as she was about to put her

was a picture of the binding

He only knows how to threaten

I just saw your texts.

[Where are you“)

a restaurant near my

thought you went shopping with your

tired, so we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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