Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Aurora gritted her teeth and said, “How would you know if he’d like me or not? His parents like me! You just don’t want to help your sister out!”

Keegan nodded, “Then, go look for him yourself.”

Aurora was stunned for a moment. ‘Would I be here begging you to contact Marshall if I could do it myself?’ Marshall seemed to have deliberately avoided Aurora since he returned to the country. Whenever she found out where he was, he would be nowhere in sight when she arrived. He also never picked up when Aurora called.

me out here. Don’t you want me to be happily married in the future?” Keegan glanced at her and said, “You two are not suitable for each other. He’s seven

of what Stella did when Aurora mentioned her name. Initially, he had a headache from quarreling with Aurora, but now his tummy was aching too. He tossed the phone to Aurora and said, “Get

Marshall’s gentle voice sounded as he picked up the phone.

only did Keegan ignore what I said, but he

them. I’ve been busy.

you take me to the charity event this weekend? I didn’t get an invitation.” “Your brother has an invitation. You can ask him to take you there,” Marshall politely declined. “He already has a date,” Aurora said as Keegan glanced at her contemptuously. Marshall did not believe her. With Keegan’s status, it would not be a big deal for him to bring an extra guest to the charity event. Marshall knew what she was thinking. He knew that if he did not state his feelings clearly, Aurora would believe that she’d still have a chance. “Sorry, Aurora, I can’t take you to the event. I already have a girlfriend.” Aurora froze. “Are you lying to me on

have matters to attend to. Bye.” He hung up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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