Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 23

Chapter 23

Stella was dumbfounded. ‘Why didn’t the sugar seal your mouth shut then, if I put too much sugar? Ugh, whatever. I should just put up with him since I’m the one who is asking him for something.”

She smiled apologetically, and with a good attitude, she said, “Noted. I haven’t been in the kitchen for a long time, so I must be getting rusty. Sure enough, Keegan’s facial expression looked better after that. Stella then took the opportunity to say, “Mr. Kane, us having this divorce is like us getting married. We have to choose a date. You see, we got married on an unlucky day. As a result, our marriage didn’t go well, and we couldn’t make it to the end. So, we have to pick a good day to get divorced so that our previous marriage won’t fetter us, and we will be able to find new love. I’ve checked the dates, the 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, and 31st of this month are all good days to get divorced. Should we just pick one from all the days I just mentioned?”

“Every day is a good day except for weekends, huh?” Keegan sneered, seeing right through her little scheme.

more auspicious days in this month,” said Stella cheekily, but he ignored her. She was not going to give up without getting an answer, so she continued, “Which day do you

yourself.” Stella was speechless. All the soft words she had in her had run out. “Those

tapped the lunch box with his fork and said, “Stella, you’re the one who wants a divorce and not tell your

wanted a divorce. However, Rainee had trained some of their company’s most important employees at that time. She also had nearly half of the company’s shares. Albert knew that people in the company would not be happy if they had a divorce. So, he decided not to pursue it under his lawyer’s advice. Three years after Rainee’s accident, Albert had slowly taken the shares into his own hands. He also cleared out the staff and replaced them with his own set

was shocked when the Kane family came and proposed a marriage between the two. The Kane family was the top family in Rivera. His reputation would surely increase if his daughter were to marry into the family. ‘Who would ever

the family and bring him business, Albert promised her not to divorce Rainee for ten years. However, if Rainee was still unconscious after those ten years, Albert would use her shares

her mother’s hospital bills. She was planning to buy a house to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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