Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Stella froze as if her body was stuck. Then, she slowly turned her head around.

Keegan was lying on his side next to her, and his eyes were half–closed. One side of his face was buried in his pillow, while the other visible side showed a frown. He was displeased to be woken up out of the blue.

Looking down, Stella’s hand was still stately resting on Keegan’s chest.

She abruptly took back her hand. Her whole body went numb, her brain felt rusty, and she was not able to get her thoughts straight. Stella then asked an obvious question.

“Why are you here?”

Keegan did not even bother to open his eyes. “I thought you rented me for the night?” he replied lazily.

The memories of her being drunk were suddenly coming back to Stella.

for a

looks deserve a

you,” she recalled what

embarrassed that she wanted to

way I

She grabbed her clothes and attempted to

and pulled her back into bed.

running?” Stella was flustered. She covered herself with the blanket as she

blanket with his right. He pulled her closer and said, “Pay me for sleeping

when I said that! Does he really think he’s a

‘slept‘ together on the same bed! Why should I pay you

he think I’m dumb? Nothing even happened between

just sleeping‘ together, did you think

was drunk last night. My words don’t count!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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