Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted

Mr. Kane Got Blacklisted By Eleven Jewell Chapter 43

Chapter 43

“How would I know? I called people out based on their resumes. Not being called out naturally means that there was no resume,” the woman said as she pressed for the elevator.

“That’s impossible! I asked someone to deliver it. How could it possibly disappear? Was it left out? Miss, could you go back and take a look?” Felicity begged.

The woman furrowed her brows. “Why are you being such a nuisance? If I said no means no. There were only a few resumes there. How could I possibly mess up?”

Felicity let go of her dignity and apologized with a smile. “Miss, I didn’t mean it that way. This audition is very important to us. Could you help us and let us have an audition? It won’t take up too much of everyone’s time”

“I don’t have much authority. Besides, the candidate has been chosen. With time left, why not put some effort into other production sets,” the woman finished speaking. The elevator door then opened, and she walked in.

then hurriedly called her friend,

was swapped out by someone else. The competition for the roles in Daniel Woods‘ films was always intense. If Felicity could ask someone else to deliver her resume here, others could also find a way to swap out her resume. She was a newbie who was not signed by any company.

to feel guilty in her heart since she had promised her this audition with much confidence in the past. In the end, it was all for nothing and was

it would turn out this way. I’ll help you keep an eye out for

signed, everything can still be changed, right?” Stella said out of

was stunned. “What are you going to

corner of her lips and said, “I want to give it a shot. If I get kicked out later, you’ll just need to act like you don’t

then put on a suit and knocked

Felicity’s eyes were about to pop out, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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