Chapter 470

Stella had a scene to shoot in the afternoon, so she went to the orphanage the next day and got Rainee's photocopied records from the director.

After Rainee gave birth to her, she had suffered from postpartum depression.

Her condition fluctuated a lot.

It was mild at times and severe the others.

Stella's grandparents were still alive in the early years and had helped Rainee with her child and the doctors.

Her mental health gradually became under control.

But when they got older, they passed.

Without them there, Rainee and Albert started endlessly arguing.

Rainee's depression began to come and go during those quarrels.

when Stella was home from school, she saw her mother standing on the edge of their window,

was terrified at

senses. She was then admitted to the hospital and got better

flipped through the medical records, which

when her

Stella was in high school, the dosage

medical records from five months

was stable, and the doctor

when she

by the

only taken them when

her to stop the medication five months

there antidepressants in the car?' Stella closed her eyes and thought about the

wearing her headphones at that time and could not hear who Rainee was on the phone with, there was nothing unusual about


subconsciously turned the steering wheel to the left to

so clear-minded that they'd protect their child in danger?’ Moreover, Rainee was wearing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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