Chapter 578

The man was startled, and his face immediately turned grim.

'Who the hell is he? Why is his tone so rude?' When the man's colleagues recognized Trevor, they whispered, "I think that's Mr.Saun from Wings Group."

The words thundered in the man's ears.

The editor-in-chief of Tangerine Media had made countless appointments with Wings Group for an exclusive interview, but Trevor never responded.

The man did not expect to bump into him today.

What originally was supposed to be for show became the last sentence he would say before losing his career.

The man's face turned pale.

He looked suffocated and had an aggrieved expression.

He was angry, but he did not dare to speak.

impatient and said coldly, "Get

reporters surrounding him finally cleared

around to look at Stella, and

out of here," he said

happened in the courtroom.She collected herself, thanked the

gate when Trevor knocked

first, Marshall.I have some work to discuss with Ms.Jewell.I'll send her

Stella and asked, "Are you okay,

a low voice, "I'm fine, Mr.Moore.Thank you for your hard work today.I'll treat you to dinner some other day.You should go back and get

and said okay.He then turned to Trever and

Trevor paused.

looked at Marshall in shock

and Felicity got into Trevor's car.He drove over

car was nice and calmed

started, Trevor was

did not know him well, so she asked him a few simple questions and

to Stella worriedly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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