Chapter 531

[You really want to buy the shares?] Trevor asked.

[Yes.] Keegan replied.

[Swing by my company in the afternoon, and we'll talk.] Just as Keegan was about to text him back, the court started to fill with noise.

Keegan looked up and saw the judge, the plaintiff, and the defendant enter the courtroom one after the other.

Beside Marshall sat a woman with a baseball cap and a mask covering her face.

However, her figure seemed inexplicably familiar.

Keegan frowned, wanting to find out who she was, but the woman suddenly stopped and shot him a look.

When their eyes met, Keegan's heart trembled.

he noticed she glanced at him fiercely and followed

the bailiff stopped him, saying he

no choice but to suppress the restlessness in his heart and

at that moment,

She was the plaintiff.

I only finding this out after so many years? Did

him what he thought of the change in voice actress for Honor of the Deities and how

at Neon Nebula the day after she moved out after saying she wanted a divorce


that he thought about it, Vermont had called him and said that

actress Vermont was talking about? Why didn't he

her role in Honor of the Deities


expression turned

not recognized Stella yet and told Keegan that she did not look as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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