Chapter 2233

"Keep going, what happened next?"

Stella urged.

"It gets even crazier,"

Vermont continued.

"He couldn't decide between that girl and the stand-in.Both women fought fiercely for him, and in the end, the girl accused the stand-in of drug use.After her reputation was destroyed, the stand-in disappeared.

“When the stand-in left, everyone assumed Ricky would reconcile with that girl, especially since their previous conflicts revolved around her.But Ricky remained passive, and the Adam family hinted that that girl would never be accepted.Within a few months, they even arranged for Ricky to meet Mrs.Chapman's eldest daughter.

“Over the years, Ricky's been causing trouble, disappointing the Adam family.They had hoped he'd continue the family line, but his drug abuse left him sterile.They planned for his father to carry on with the arrangement, but after the Chapman family incident, the marriage arrangement fell apart.

"But then the stand-in returned, and seeing how Ricky's mood changed drastically, it seems the rumors about him favoring the stand -in were true.If I were that girl, I'd be furious.After all that planning, only to lose control in the end and become someone else's pawn."

Stella and Keegan were both puzzled.

Stella couldn't resist asking, "How do you know all this?"

she claimed not to care, she still wanted

hadn't heard about this dramatic



guessed it probably came from his

Adam family always kept Ricky's scandals secret, known

whom were minor celebrities, likely knew


rest until he

whole story, he'd lose sleep over it

furrowing her brow and saying, "Then why didn't you tell

Now Vermont was confused.

"You never asked."

then eyed them

so curious

paused, then glanced

"Can't we be curious? Since you know so much,

Stella got the hint.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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