Stella nodded, "Hi, Maya." Maya retrieved a neatly wrapped gift box from her bag and handed it over, "I wasn't sure what to bring for our first meeting, so I made these sachets myself.

Give them a try." Stella was a bit surprised.

"Maya, you're into scents too?" Maya smiled, "I got into scents because of Trevor.

He used to love playing around with them." Stella was surprised once again.

She hadn't seen Trevor indulge in scents much, so she assumed he wasn't interested in them.

However, Trevor seemed hesitant to broach the topic further, simply saying, "Let's order first, I'm hungry." Maya hesitated for a moment, lowering her eyes to conceal her disappointment.

Stella quickly interjected, "Maya, it's been a while since you've been back, right? How about trying some hometown dishes today? " Maya put on asmile.

"Sure, you decide." As the waiter was about to leave after taking their dinner orders, Trevor suddenly piped up, "Add a roast." Maya shot a quick glance at Trevor, who explained, "It's a welcome dinner, and roasts are a must." Upon noticing Maya's reaction to the roast, was it a significant dish for the two of them? Stella's curiosity was piqued.

table, and Keegan peeled a shrimp for

Stella was speechless.

seemed to

Maya's grandmother and Keegan's grandmother were distantly related, though it was

meeting, and Keegan had always treated Maya like an

made that

time and didn't

difficult for her not to overthink things, especially


delicious," Keegan picked up a piece of fish for her, his eyes

should try some." Stella squeezed his hand, "I need to use the restroom." Keegan set down his chopsticks, got up, and


too? Is there a double toilet in there? Are you planning to have a heart-to-heart?" "Cough—cough—" Maya choked a bit, covering her mouth and coughing, her fair

to swear and promptly shut his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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