The "ugly thing" was a creation personally modified by Keegan.

Stella remembered when he first completed it; Keegan used it to fetch a package for her via remote control.

As he handed it to her, he carefully watched her "surprised" expression, finally curling his lips with a proud look.

It was something Keegan loved, treasuring it so much that he would personally wipe off any dust that settled on it.

If he had been there, he certainly wouldn't have wanted the "ugly thing" handled by these rowdy children.

Perhaps her words were too direct, as the relatives all wore somewhat displeased expressions.

Dahlia felt even more offended by her words, instantly changing her expression, “Even if it's repaired, it's still spending the Kane family's money.

There's no reason for you to get involved!" This was quite an insulting remark, completely not treating her like family.

Stella's expression turned sour, but she stood her ground.

The relatives probably thought things had gotten ugly and soon began to leave one by one.

Dahlia gave Stella a sharp look and asked her to make a cup of tea.

Knowing Dahlia wouldn't easily let go with that tone, Stella obediently went to brew the tea.

when she came out, Dahlia had already left, leaving the "ugly thing" shattered on the

his business trip that Stella told him about

already contacted more than ten repairmen in an

modified the machine, the damage to the parts was too severe, and there were no

said they were unable

the broken machine and said nothing, carrying it into

tried many ways, but ultimately couldn't

was tossed into a box

one day, when she was dragged by her grandmother to look through Keegan's childhood photos at the old

gift customized by

it was just

and improving, eventually transforming it into its

the significance of the "ugly

years ago, she tried to contact DC, but sucha prominent figure had

wealth, fame, and status, it

But Stella was persistent.

Lewie, following him to the bird

out of retirement, so he made it difficult for her, asking if

could win, he would

get him to help,

win that match, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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