Wendy didn’t answer directly but instead shared a story about Keegan’s childhood. “When Keegan was about eleven or twelve, she signed him up for a wilderness survival course. The class wasn’t well-organized, and the staff was unprofessional. They only realized some students had fallen behind when they were coming down the mountain.

The Kane family was very worried when they got the call. I hadn’t known him for long, but I wanted to get closer to him, so I joined the search. The mountain wasn’t tall, but it was dense with vegetation, and it was getting dark, which made the search difficult. But we were lucky. We found Keegan soon after we started. His foot was injured, so he couldn’t walk. Can you believe it? The first thing Dahlia did when she found him wasn’t to comfort him but to pull me aside and tell me not to approach him so she could teach him a lesson.

We were so close to him, watching him scared and helpless. It wasn’t until more than half an hour later that someone arrived, and Dahlia finally went to Keegan. At the time, I didn’t understand why she treated him that way. Later, I realized she was training him. She appeared when he was most vulnerable to reinforce his dependence on her. I don’t know if Mrs. Kane noticed this, but after Quentin passed away, she took Keegan to raise herself. Otherwise, with all of Dahlia’s scheming, how could she raise such an outstanding son?”

She then looked at Stella and said, “If you show Keegan what it’s like to be truly cared for, he’ll eventually wake up from Dahlia’s influence. Don’t you think Dahlia fears losing control over him?

Dahlia is insincere to everyone. She only cares about herself, whether it’s her son or daughter. If Mrs. Kane hadn’t lived so long, the Kane family would have been in chaos. You know, ever since Dahlia stopped attending the family gatherings, everyone’s been getting along better. I wonder how she feels when she sees everyone’s photos without her. It must be frustrating.”

The more you learn about Dahlia, the more you realize she didn’t get off easy.

“Has she been in touch with anyone recently?” Stella asked.

“The top-tier families have distanced themselves from her. I heard she’s getting close to some people in the second and third tiers now. After all, she’s the biological mother of the head of the Kane family. If people don’t know the truth, they might still fall for her act.”

Wendy categorized their social circles herself. The first tier includes aristocratic families like the Kane, Saun, Moore, and Graham families. The second tier includes rising newcomers like Kayla’s father’s family. The third tier includes families like the former Jewell family.

Dahlia used to dominate the first tier, but now she’s dealing with people she once looked down on. It shows how adaptable she is.

“How much tea do you want? I can have my friends help pack it for you.”

back to the conversation. “Please calculate the total,

We can settle it at the engagement

“Thank you,

nicer than Mrs. Chapman. Why didn’t I notice it

some desserts. Stella noticed that after serving the food, he also poured tea for

Stella teased, “Your

her a look. “After over 20 years of

thumbs up. “How are things with you and

behind my back and now he’s in jail. There are people who can deal with him without my involvement. He and his mother still want to divide the family property with me. It’s absurd. He’s not dead, and we’re not divorced, yet they want to use the illegitimate child’s inheritance rights to pressure me.

an adult now. Otherwise, I’d have to pay child support. When I can visit him, I’ll

sentence, he won’t be out before he’s 70. The Chapman family line can’t be cut

instantly understood what Stella

relatives all knew about his illegitimate son but hid it from Wendy. They even used her inability to have a son against her. Now that Erick’s in prison, they’re desperate, trying to

so much, it’s

someone. “Rent them a better place, assign a driver,

them to ask Wendy for money. Stella’s words made Wendy realize—why not let them deal with it themselves? Let them fight among

got scammed when

bad for her too. After

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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