Stella was shocked. She had talked to Keegan about this before, but he never mentioned his role in helping her. She always thought her salary was recovered because the organizers were reasonable and knew it wasn’t her fault. Now, looking back, she realized how naive that was.

For such a big event, why would the organizers care about a small etiquette girl like her? They wouldn’t care about right or wrong; they’d just choose the easiest way to handle the situation.

It turned out Keegan had helped her… It was him all along…

“Keegan is really smart. He had his eye on you even back then,” Alexis said with a sigh, but Stella smiled, “Brother, I’m sure Keegan had no selfish motives when he helped me. He would’ve helped anyone in that situation.”

Keegan never called her or mentioned it, and even years later, when she brought it up, he didn’t take credit for it. She was confident his help was purely out of kindness.

Alexis laughed, “Selfish or not, it doesn’t matter. The red string of fate between you two is as strong as steel. You’re destined to be together.”

Stella couldn’t agree more.

If they hadn’t been separated by mistake, they would’ve been childhood sweethearts. But even after all the twists and turns, fate still brought them together.

Meanwhile, Joe started his run strong, with Keegan nearly two kilometers behind. But in the second lap, Joe slowed down while Keegan kept a steady pace. By the end of the second lap, the gap had shrunk to less than a kilometer.

As Stella handed Keegan an energy bar, she felt a pang of concern seeing his sweaty face.

Keegan took the bar, tapped it on his palm, and bit into it as he continued running.

It wasn’t even 10 a.m., but the sun was already scorching. Alexis, always one to enjoy life, had someone set up a sunshade over their heads and was lounging under it, sipping watermelon juice.

By the third lap, the distance between Joe and Keegan was just a few hundred meters.

Alexis suddenly sat up, removing his sunglasses, “Keegan is going to overtake him.”

almost gone. Though he loved running, he had never run 20

barely maintain his pace. At 15 kilometers, his lungs burned with every breath, and his legs felt like they were weighed down with lead, too

keep going. He

never imagined Keegan could speed up in the

pass him, he was

speed up too, but at this point, he could barely move forward, and

stinging his eyes, and he felt

then, he heard Stella’s


surprised, and his mindset shifted. Instead of feeling like he’d already lost and should give up, he didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of his idols. At the very least, he had to finish the

his teeth and kept running, even though his legs felt

to Keegan

finish line,

out, and he wanted to collapse on the ground. But

bottle of room temperature water, “Drink it slowly, in small

had been upset about losing and underestimating Keegan, but now, with Keegan

the water from Keegan,

handed Keegan another bottle of water and

shook his head, “I’m

for sure. He hadn’t run a half marathon

defeated, like he was about to

to meet his idol before, but now he was too

take a break and then have dinner

you going to humiliate me just because you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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