Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 448

Chapter 448 I Won‘t Let Her Sutter Any Grlevance

All parents in the world cared about their children. Moreover, Ariana had been living with the Timothy family for the past two days. She was very clear about the way Carlee treated Nina. Now, when she talked to Kasen, her face was full of unwillingness

Kasen was very dissatisfied when hearing this, From the moment Nina was born, he had always loved and protected her with all luis might. He was even afraid that Nina would suffer the slightest pain. How could he allow himself to just stand there and watch Nina sutter in the Timothy family?

However, compared to Ariana, Kasen was calmer. He just put down the things in his hand and frowned seriously, “Really? Didn‘t Harley wake up from his coma already?”

“Yes...” Ariana sighed. “It was only when Harley woke up that his mother treated Nina a little better. Otherwise, Nina may have been wronged even worse.”

“How could they bully Nina like this?” Kasen said in a low voice, Although Harley‘s matter was indeed because of Nina, they could not be totally objective on this matter as Nina‘s parents.

The Timothy family used this accident as an excuse to bully Nina, which was something wrong that should not have happened.

After a while, there was a sudden knock on the door.

“Who is this?” Kasen and Ariana looked at each other, and Ariana raised her voice to ask.

The door was pushed open. The person who came in was Reid. When she saw Reid, Ariana relented a little. Compared to Carlee, Reid was more sensible.

“‘‘This is Harley‘s father,” As Ariana stood up, she lowered her head and whispered to Kasen. Then, she smiled at Reid and said, “Why are you here, Mr. Timothy? Is Harley feeling better now? I went to pick up my husband today, so I didn‘t have time to see him.”

“So, you are Nina‘s father. Nice to meet you. I am Harley‘s father.” Reid looked at Kasen, and out of courtesy, he siniled and went over to shake hands with Kasen.

to Reid‘s enthusiasm, he appeared to be calmer

here. Now that Harley has woken up, I think it would be better for everyone to come to our house for a meal and discuss the wedding of Harley and

best solution he could think of at the moment. He was also aware that Nina had always come to the hospital to look after Harley, and she was a good

for a moment. She was reluctant to face Carlee, but this matter had to be discussed by thein. After seeing Kasen‘s

we go back now? Harley said that he visited your house with Nina before, and

Timothy family, Carlee saw Nina‘s parents. Even if she was unwilling in her heart, she had to do her best to serve them.

same. When he came down from upstairs, he saw

Wont Let

smiled at

heard from Nina that you just arrived in Aldness

that. Harley, you have just been discharged from

better. He knew that Harley was good, and they greeted each other as usual. He

well with each other, but she felt uncomfortable. Although Luca was someone Nina invited for Harley‘s treatment, she still

parents sat face to face. Harley and Nina sat at the side. For some reason, Nina suddenly felt a

seem like fighting

be hungry, right? Hurry up and try our family‘s

was not used to such a serious atmosphere, he smiled and tried to

Reid‘s words. Nina looked at Harley as if she was asking for help, and said in a very low voice, “Why am I so nervous

the wedding, and Reid had told her beforehand. However, seeing her parents like this, Nina could not help

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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