Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 450

Chapter 450 Depressed

While returning home from Prince Adriel‘s villa, Melissa was unhappy in the car. Murray could not help but look at her a few more times as he drove. He asked with great concern, “What‘s wrong? You are kind of strange after Michelle came back. Is there something wrong?”

“Let‘s talk about this later.” Melissa shook her head. She just felt uncomfortable, but she knew that she should not throw a tantrum at this time.

After returning home, Melissa and Murray took off their coats and put them on the hanger. Melissa walked to the sofa and sat down, taking a sip of water.

Murray looked at Melissa and walked to her. He naturally put his arm around her shoulder and said with a smile, “Well, now you can tell me why you are unhappy, right?”

“I think...” Melissa deliberated for a moment, the placed the glass on the table and looked into Murray‘s eyes. “I think Michelle likes you.”


Murray was puzzled. He did not know why Melissa suddenly said this, and he also did not feel that there was anything wrong with Michelle

Or he never placed his attention on Michelle.

“What does she like about me?”

Melissa didn‘t know what to say. She did not expect Murray to ask this. However, she still remembered Michelle‘s gaze clearly. A woman‘s intuition was always very accurate..

see that after I said you were my fiancé, she was kind of strange? Tell me honestly,

always been calm. In front of Murray, she rarely had such a feminine side. Murray was stunned for a moment and

worry,” he said softly and scratched the tip

women? Moreover, you know today is the first

at him again. Although she was in a sullen look,

for now. But let me tell you, we still have some days in Wyvernholt. You can‘t meet Michelle without my

in my heart. How can I still remember what Michelle looks like now?

amused by Murray and laughed out loud. They had a

o‘clock, Melissa got up and had already packed up. It looked like she was ready to go out. Murray was surprised to see Melissa in the living room when

up so carly today! You can still sleep for

design studio that I opened with Nina for long time I sent an email to Nina‘s assistant to uskler to help take charge of the studio. But I don‘t

else that

Murray nodded in agreement.

arrived at Loe Studio, she was kind of emotional. Because of her, Nina opened this studio and even used her pseudonym to name it. Later, after Nina went to Aldness, this place was temporarily taken charge of by

idea if this studio is

the elevator to the main office of the

was burying her head in her desk on the left turned her head. When she – found that it was Melissa, she immediately wore a surprised smile and hurriedly ran over

you‘re finally back. I missed you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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