Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 453

Chapter 453 Trending Topics

Since Ninia liad agreed to marry Harley, Harley did not want to let her go. So he asked his agent to announce the news of the successful proposal on Twitter and even mentioned Nina‘s account the next day.

Nina acquiesced to this.

However, as soon as this news was announced, it quickly became the first treading topic in just three hours and attracted a lot of attention.

For a moment, Harley‘s and Nina‘s Twitter were full of comments from fans. Despite the fact that some of them showed disagreement and dislike for Nina, most of them were about congratulations. After all, everyone knew that Harley liked Nina.

Even the TV media began to wantonly report the news of their wedding. After all, as a well–known star, Harley would definitely occupy the front page of the entertainment industry when it came to such a big thing.

Tom returned to the remote area to be a teacher. However, the newly built classroom enjoyed much better conditions than the old ones did. But everyone could see that Tom did not like to talk or laugh as he did before and often stayed – alone. No one knew what he was thinking,

In the teachers‘ dormitory, on the TV was a piece of news. The host was talking about entertainment news. Harley‘s and Nina‘s faces appeared on the screen. It was their wedding news.

Tom was staring at the TV without moving. Looking at Nina‘s photo on the screen, he suddenly felt extremely sour.

He still couldn‘t marry the woman he liked.

him and took a big gulp of it. After leaving Nina, he liked

outside the door. She was Luna Blower, also a

closed. There was a faint sound coming from inside. She felt a little confused. She gently pushed the door open and saw Tom sitting on the bed, drinking his beer. The news of

what happened to you?” Luna was a little worried when she saw Tom like this. She walked to Tom and tried to put her hand on his

understood everything. She instinctively lowered her

sadness in her eyes.

older than her. At first, she was just relying on him, but gradually, she developed feelings for him. But at

Luna heard that he

Tom being like this. He was now different from his loriner selt, who was polite and gentle

and sat down next to Tom. She palled him on the back and said, “Tom, don‘t

the more stresaid, the more incolierent she became. She did know whether

laughed at himself, “Forget it... Anyway, I was the one who gave up on her. Now, it‘s good that she has a good home. But...

slowly tightened his grip on the corner of the table. “Bull leo

was a tallman. But now his voice sounded like lie was crying. Even his eyes were red. Perhaps it was because

was probably too emotional. He threw the beer can on the ground. However, after a while, he suddenly frowned and growled. His right leg, which had already recovered, was now red. It seemed that the old injury

him that it might relapse. So he was told to avoid alcohol and spicy food. Otherwise, it would relapse. But now, he made an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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