Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 459

Chapter 459 Lover

As long as Michelle thought of Murray’s name, the comers of her mouth would unconsciously rise She often dreamed of him. As long as she closed her eyes, she would see Murray’s face.

However, Michelle knew how painful it was to miss someone. So, she wanted to invite Murray to her birthday banquet so that she could see Murray and talk to him.

If possible, she wanted more than just talking to him,

Michelle knew that she still wanted to see Murray often and do a lot of things with him. She didn’t just want to know him.

But when she thought of Murray being together with Melissa and that he was Melissa’s fiancé, Michelle felt uncomfortable in her heart. She knew that Melissa was a good person, but she couldn’t control her feelings.

Since Anaya asked Camil to customize a dress, Anaya had been running to Loe Studio every two or three days. She often chatted with Camil. Fortunately, Camil remembered Melissa’s words and was not enthusiastic about Anaya. Camil was afraid that Anaya would cause trouble again.

One day, Anaya came again with many fruits in her hands.

“You all are working so hard.” Anaya knocked on the door and walked into the studio with a smile. She said as if she was very familiar with the people in the studio, and she gave the fruits to everyone.

“I came to see the dress today and brought some fruits for you. Don’t be so polite.”

Anaya was very enthusiastic every time she came, and no one paid attention to what exactly she wanted to do except Camil. So, some designers would chat with her and even felt that this client called Lillian was very kind.

Except for Carnil

“Lillian, you don’t have to be so kind. Every time you come; you bring something to us. If you keep on doing

have nothing to do anyway. Besides, I am planning to open a design company.

but she was always polite. Every time Anaya came, she

Melissa was always right.

something? Except for Loe, we are all

a long breath. Hearing that, Anaya was a little bit proud. She was thinking about how to start the

was good

Loe is the most famous designer in your studio and the boss too. I always wanted to meet Loe, but why is he not here


fashion design competition recently. When my friend mentioned Loe, he said that Loe was a talent in design. Every year, he won prizes in

this year?

to the words Anaya said. But hearing Anaya mention Loe and the design competition. It seemed that Anaya

moment, then she lowered her eyes as if nothing had happened. “I don’t know. Loe rarely comes back to the studio and won’t tell

“Oh. ”

ask Camil anything. She glanced at

ate it. After a while, Camil suddenly said, “Sorry, I have to go

up and left. Anaya turned her head to look in

to the bathroom, opened the door of a cubicle, and hid inside. She took out her phone and sent a message to Melissa. “Melissa, that Lillian you mentioned

should we

frowned slightly. She was so nervous that her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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