Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 468

Chapter 468 How Do You Deserve His Love?

Amidsi a crowd of revelers, the pain would be unworthy of being mentioned.

Especially when the pain was on one person only – Susan, the anger was magnified infinitely.

When Susan was told that she was disqualified, she panicked utterly. As she came to her sense again, she saw Melissa accepting the award. Susan glared at the woman on the stage with resentment, her lips pursed and her brows furrowed closely. That trophy should have been hers…

Loe, you wicked schemer!

When Melissa and Murray walked out of the design competition site, it was already six o’clock in the evening. They talked while walking towards the parking lot, when Susan suddenly rushed out and glared at Melissa, “Loc… no, I’d better call you Ms. Eugen. Why did you set me up? Why? This award, the trophy in your hand, should have been mine!”

Susan’s voice was getting louder and louder, and her delicate lace became ferocious. Some passers-by stopped to watch. Murray frowned and stretched out his arm subconsciously to keep Melissa behind his back.

Melissa Irowned and looked at Susan with disgust. She did not expect Susan was so obsessed with this award.

Melissa tugged at Murray’s sleeve, indicating for him to let her go. She took a step forward and narrowed her eyes at Susan. “You were the one who set me up, Ms. Curson. We are both designers. If you competed with me fairly, I would treat you as a respectable opponent, but you made me look down on you. Plagiarisin is a crime here in Wyvernholt.”

After Melissa finished her words, she signaled Murray to call the police and mouthed to him, “Anaya.”

smartphone and called the police station. In fluent Wyvernholten language, he not only told the police about the situation outside

many years and surely knew what Murray was talking about, but it was too late to stop him. Murray hung up the phone and put the phone into his pocket

Two policemen got off the car and took Susan into the car. Susan’s fame was completely

TV broadcast of the award ceremony in the hotel room. She was scared and restless. She never thought that

tightly but was hesitant

burst of urgent knocking on

Anxiously she looked in the direction of the door,

“Who’s thered

his hand onto the door handle, rotated in pently,

in one of the showed his police budyind said, “Ms. Knowles, you are Tepunted to be suspreted otstraling and kidnapping Arcording to the investigation,

back instinctively, but the handcuts were already on her wrists. She was no longe able to printitud, all she could do was lower her head and tollow the policement into the police car

seemed to liave been settled. Many people had seen Melissa being proposed to through the




Iligs. You

middle finger of her right hand was wearing a diamond ring. On the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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