Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 501

Chapter 501 Declan‘s Apology

“Really?” Nina seemed upset.

Nina couldn‘t take her mind off the photo of Harley and Sylvia.

“Of course. Mom said you didn‘t cat much today.” Harley looked down at Nina with his eyes full of concern,

Nina sat upright and shook her head. “I don‘t have much appetite.”

“No, you need to cal something.” Harley stood up and continued, “Wait a second. I‘ll have them cook something you like to eal.”

Harley walked out of the room before Nina could say anything.

Watching Harley walk away, Nina was in a daze.

Nina was lost in thought, perhaps Melissa was right. I‘m too sensitive,

Sylvia is just a woman Harley works with. Harley had eyes only for me. Why am I jealous?

Ten minutes later, Harley returned with a bowl of soup. “Get it while it‘s hot. It tastes really good.”

“Thank you.” With a smile on her face, Nina reached out to take the bowl from Harley.

However, Harley didn‘t hand Nina the soup. Harley raised his eyebrows and whispered in Nina‘s ear in his deep voice, “Let me feed you.”

voice made Nina‘s

of you, but I can do

Nina could finish her sentence, Harley scooped up the soup with a spoon and blew on it. “Come on,

you.” Moved, Nina nodded

Nina soup slowly and

almost forgot how to breathe when she looked

was an eligible

only a charming man with a good family background, but also a famous actor.

of guy


face popped

Tom was doing

still couldn‘t believe that Ton would fall in love with someone

know why Tom would be

arms as Nina was lost

collected her thoughts and smiled faintly.

the best of you. Sylvia and I are just friends.” Harley lowered his head and

Star Entertainment.

warmly. She seemed to be in a

her engagement, and they gossiped about it. In the afternoon, Melissa sat in the office to check the views on different streaming

“Come in,” Melissa uttered.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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