Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 508

Chapter 508 I Don‘t Want to Be His Sister

“This quarter‘s report will be given to me by this Friday at the latest.” Melissa looked at her watch and said coldly to the department managers in front of her.

Everyone nodded. Seeing this, Melissa ended the meeting.

“Ms. Eugen, the custom-made script was already sent to your email.” Melissa‘s assistant arranged the paper in his hands and followed Melissa.

“So soon?” Melissa was a little surprised. After all, it had only been a few days since she asked the company to contact the screenwriter. The script had been written earlier than Melissa expected.

“Mr. Styles said that this script originally had a basic concept. After reading your request, he immediately wrote out the complete script.” The assistant nodded with a smile.

Hearing this, Melissa also smiled. Rylan Styles was a famous screenwriter in the entertainment industry. He had many masterpieces in his career. Melissa also cooperated with him in many dramas, so she was confident in the script.

As soon as Melissa returned to the office, her phone rang. She looked at the phone and found it was Murray.

“Hello? Murray.” Melissa smiled and softly called Murray‘s name.

“Busy?” Murray‘s voice was deep, and it slowly entered Melissa‘s heart.

“I just finished the meeting and was looking at a new script. I mentioned it to you before, the one that was tailor–made for Vivian and Jaylin.” With that being said, Melissa checked her mailbox and looked through the script.

“What do you want to eat tonight?” Murray sounded rather sexy on the other side.

When Melissa heard this, her hand left the mouse and rested on her cheek. “What? Do you want to pick me up? Do you miss me?” Melissa asked in a teasing tone.

remained silent, Melissa smiled even harder. She started to imagine Murray‘s

not expect was that the next second, Murray

and indifferent but

and her

of the phone, could not help but

Gibson, this is the information you wanted.” At that moment, Alex walked in. He was stunned when

seemed like Mr. Gibson was on the phone with Ms. Eugen,

She said, “I‘ll wait for


Made the Decision.” It told a story of the hero and heroine getting to know each other from school to society. They went from ignorance to maturity. Along the way, they also harvested love, friendship, and kinship. Behind all the imaginary plots, there was also

fact that Vivian and Jaylin were popular recently, this drama would definitely have

mind, Melissa contacted Vivian and Jaylin‘s agents and asked them to take

was on set, answered the phone and said they would give

get it when we return to the company,” Vivian‘s agent turned

Vivian blinked and

a play with Jaylin made Vivian scared but excited. She

best to avoid Jaylin more and more,

knew there was something between them that had yet to come

What are you thinking

noticed the subtle change in Vivian‘s expression and asked doubtfully, “I

shocked. “What? What‘s so strange

thought you guys

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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