Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 514

Chapter 514 They Get Lost

The next day, Melissa reached the entrance of the hotel as promised,

Demetrius went out of the hotel happily. His attire was obviously carefully selected. When he saw Melissa, he smiled brightly

“Melissa, you are so punctual! Where are we going today?”

Melissa smiled helplessly and put down her hand. She said to Demetrius, “I’ll take you to the most famous forest tunnel here. The scenery is beautiful. If you want, you can also take a cable car.”

Demetrius nodded. Along the way, he seemed particularly active and talked about a lot of topics with Melissa. But Melissa only responded with a few words in accordance with her mood, she was not enthusiastic but not perfunctory.

It was past eleven when they finished taking the cable car to the forest area. Demetrius took out two sandwiches from his backpack and handed one to Melissa. He asked, “Is there a shortcut here? I want to take a risk! It must be exciting,”

Melissa looked at him suspiciously. “What are you thinking about? Can’t we take the cable car and leave later?”

Demetrius was born to be passionate and adventurous. He always liked to challenge new things. Moreover, when he was traveling with his friends, he tried extreme sports like rock climbing, bungee, or jungle adventures, which were not difficult for him at all. When he thought of adventure, his eyes lit up.

Most importantly, if Melissa was with him, he would have a chance to protect his beloved girl!

it’s rare for us to come out together. Melissa,

and tried to persuade Melissa with an excited


agree, she didn’t know what excuse Demetrius would find later. She just

they could no longer see the guardrail outside. Only then did Demetrius

ground, making a noise as soon as Melissa stepped on them. Demetrius had been leading the way, and Melissa followed him closely. The path was rugged, and both of them were tired. But if they stopped rashly, they would probably

heard a groan from Demetrius in front of her. She subconsciously looked up and saw Demetrius squatting with a painful

matter?” Melissa was shocked and quickly ran over to ask. She crouched down to check if

excited just now. I wanted to go down the mountain quickly, but I accidentally sprained my ankle. It

to normal after a while. It was not the proper way to go down the mountain. Even

now. I wanted to go down the mountain quickly, but I accidentally

the proper way to go down the mountain. Even if Demetrius sprained his ankle,

a long while, she finally made up her mind and reached out her hand to Demetrius. “Try and see if you can stand up. I will help you

He looked up at Melissa for a while and did not expect Melissa to say such words. He was

him like this, Melissa was even more unhappy and urged him, “Hurry up, I’ll help you up. Otherwise,

that what Melissa said was true. There was nothing he could do. He held Melissa’s hand and was pulled up by her. Melissa tried to put one of Demetrius’s arms on her shoulder. Then she gritted her teeth and frowned, slowly

easy to go up the mountain, but it was difficult to go down. What was worse, the mountain was steep. After walking for a while, Melissa felt that her physical strength had run out. Her legs were weak, and she almost fell several times and did not dare to take it

shoulder and said, “I looked at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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