Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 524

Chapter 524 Happiness Consists in Contentment

“What’s the matter?” Melissa looked at Jaylin.

“Nothing special. Are you going back to the company later? I will go back anyway. I can send you off,” Jaylin said with a smile.

“Thank you, but I drove here.” Melissa shook her head and refused. Jaylin turned around to look at Vivian.

“Congratulations. You are awesome today.” Jaylin’s tone was relaxed. Now he should be able to get along with Vivian easily.

But somehow he felt that Vivian was hiding something from him.

Vivian was sad. She forced out a smile to make her emotions less obvious.

What she wanted from Jaylin wasn’t such a reaction or congratulations.

“He will come to pick me up later. I am leaving. See you tomorrow.” Vivian pinched her cellphone and quickly left.

Vivian felt that she had left with embarrassment. She took a deep breath and wanted to

calm herself down.

Just now Vivian wanted to grab Jaylin and question him.

But on second thought, what could she ask and what kind of identity could she use to question?

Just as Vivian was in a daze, Arno was already standing in front of her. He lowered his head slightly and reached out to gently hug Vivian.

“Why are you standing here? What if you catch a cold?”

Vivian’s body was a little stiff, and she leaned against Arno’s waist to push Arno away. But in the end, she didn’t do so.

“I’m not that weak.” Vivian shook her head and broke free from Arno’s embrace.

“Are you hungry? I’ll take you to dinner?” Arno held Vivian’s hand and took her to the


over, Vivian was a little helpless. “I don’t

steering wheel froze for a moment, and Arno turned to

very much, right?” Vivian carefully fiddled with the

Arno said

was stunned for a moment and didn’t understand the meaning of Arno’s

You are the first one…” Arno tilted his head. His

on the Internet. Am I

of his

the two

slightly, and his fingers on the steering wheel became a little heavier. But at that

and started

car seat. She kept holding the bouquet in her arms and occasionally glanced at the scenery outside the

light. Arno then

wrong?” Vivian came back to her senses and didn’t understand why

front of so many

impulsive today and confessed to you in front of

a little absent-minded along the way. Arno naturally felt

he had confessed,

feeling spread between

of this?”

in a bad mood.” Arno had been carefully

entire time.

in love like Arno, if he followed

in agreement. “I am indeed in a bad mood, but it has nothing to

graduated for too many years. I feel that I am already far away

because they had all relaxed, and the atmosphere wasn’t as tense as before. After the two chatted idly,

the villa in

place we

a restaurant, but I never found a good

it was also because of what happened back then that Arno

villa, and what awaited her was a table full of candlelight

arrangement to the food, it was obvious that Arno had


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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