Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 549

Chapter 549 Change Her Partner

Jaylin never thought that Vivian would say such a thing. He looked a little surprised.

“I said forget it. Let’s not bother about this matter anymore.” Vivian shook her head. She did not want to get involved in any more trouble.

Moreover, she had shown too many times on hot topics. Not to mention the netizens, even Vivian was a little bored.

“Vivian, how can you forget about what he did to you?” Jaylin pressed on Vivian’s shoulder, not understanding her current reaction at all.

“Then what can I do? What can I say? There were no surveillance cameras in the dressing room, but he went out with a face full of wounds. Who knows what he will say?”

Vivian’s tone was a bit higher. She looked at Jaylin, but in the end, she seemed to say weakly.

“So what if there is a dispute? It is nothing more than staying in the hot topics for a few days. Jaylin, you are not afraid, but I am afraid. You know that my popularity on the Internet has been ruined, just because…”

At this time, she stopped talking. Vivian blinked her eyes, and the corners of her mouth seemed to curve into a bitter smile.

Jaylin’s body stiffened, and he immediately understood what Vivian wanted to


No one expected what would happen at the bar that night. Jaylin also saw some news, but the direction of public opinion on the Internet..

Compared to criticizing him, more people were talking about Vivian. They were constantly spreading rumors about her, which was a great deal of damage to a public figure.

“Fortunately, he didn’t do anything.” Speaking up to this point, Vivian forced a smile, causing Jaylin to frown.

Vivian, who was in front of him, gave him a strange feeling.

It was as if something was constantly leaving.

“Vivian…” Jaylin murmured, and in the blink of an eye, he saw Vivian raise a


are you

up a little? What

hurt you!”


up at Jaylin, and said in a deep voice, “Why do you interfere in my affairs? What is your relationship with

heart, as if countless knives were cutting

you, don’t appear again! Don’t let me indulge in my dreams

that Jaylin had originally wanted to say choked in

looked at Vivian in front of him and laughed at

hands into his pockets and hid the scratch he had just gotten. He still had a calm and self-confident expression on his face. “I just came to visit according to the company’s instructions. After all, we are now

company and myself, I don’t want any negative news to affect

Get Bonus

door and walked out, leaving

corners of her mouth

Vivian was done tidying up and leaving, she was

this, Vivian felt a strange feeling. Did

you look so pale?” The makeup artist couldn’t help but

shook her head, “Then what about

minute. I just took a


wondering if she had

a little confused about Vivian’s

it the organizers who

course not, and it is not so easy to change

thought that Jaylin had used his connections

turned out that she was just thinking

Get Bonus

she was just

Jaylin, why

palm on her leg tightened slightly. Vivian felt that she

since the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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