Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 555

Chapter 555 The Illegitimate Son of the Tacke Family

Melissa seemed to realize something and suddenly approached Quentin. Sure enough, the smell became even stronger.

“I will be shy if you suddenly approach me.”

Quentin said calmly. His pale skin made his small blood vessels visible.

Melissa suddenly seized Quentin by the throat. Quentin‘s skin was a bit colder to the touch than ordinary people‘s, which made Melissa think of a snake.


Melissa shouted. Then a few people who had been waiting outside the door immediately walked in. Seeing Melissa‘s actions, they couldn‘t help but be vigilant.

“Take Quentin away and check his mouth. There should be a pill inside.”

Melissa straightened up and walked to Murray.

“Have you found out Quentin‘s identity?”

Murray nodded and said, “He is an illegitimate son of the Tacke family. He seemed to have done something three years ago and escaped from the Tacke‘s house.”

Melissa guessed right and thought for a while. But she did not understand what Quentin‘s intention was.

Melissa thought, if Quentin only wants to cooperate with me and destroy the Tacke family, why will he cause so much trouble?

Murray was a little surprised by Quentin‘s identity. Compared with what had happened yesterday, Quentin acted strangely today.

Murray didn‘t want to interfere in some complicated matters, but now he was tricked and got involved.

Chapter 554 the

timate o

f the fache Family

of coldness flashed in Murray‘s eyes. He did not expect that he would be schemed

interested in

was taken away. Murray was worried about Melissa and asked Jolie to give Melissa

of medicine from Quentin‘s mouth. This medicine had also

strange actions had a lot to do with this

strange medicine. Jolie

the report of Melissa‘s blood test showed that there was

to look at Murray. She wondered if this strange medicine was

simple. Quentin is deep and shrewd,” Murray held Melissa in

at Murray and suddenly got closer to him.

know?” Murray raised

nestled against Murray‘s chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

and beautiful. Maybe you can guess?” Murray said calmly,

turned her head and suddenly

looked at Melissa

his chest

laughing, she looked up

Murray didn‘t say anything, le seemed

me? You are so mean.” Melissa pursed her lips and looked

stingy.” Murray said directly, “I will be angry when I hearothers praise you and

was possessive, especially about

this way, I won‘t be touched by others‘ compliments.” Melissa puffed up her

on your performance,” Murray looked down slightly and said

could not help but pinch

Melissa lis palm, and there

seemed to realize something. “You

medicine doesn‘t affect humans through its special smell, I‘m afraid it is through wounds.” Although this was

all, Murray was not the only one present at that time. But this medicine was detected only in

teeth and was deep

a call from lolie. They thought it was a drug analysis

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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