Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 565

Chapter 565 Well–Prepared Competitor

The words “big shots” were emphasized. Then the people in the dressing room laughed scornfully.

Vivian recognized they were the two supporting actresses who, obviously, were clout chasing by speaking to Jaylin from time to time as if they were

close friends.

“Is it possible that some big shots are actually attracted by her? She has small breasts, and she‘s so skinny that it shouldn‘t be comfortable to hold her in arms.”

Vivian looked down at her body and felt angry.

Although she didn‘t have big breasts, she wasn’t skinny.

Vivian was in a temper, so she opened the door and entered.

“Natural small breasts are still better than artificial big ones.”

Vivian chuckled and looked at the two actresses contemptuously.

The actresses were surprised by Vivian, and their expressions changed. One of them forced a smile and tried to talk themselves out of it.

“Vivian, what a coincidence. Are you going to remove your makeup?”

Vivian leaned against the door frame with a mocking smile on her face. “Go ahead, I want to know more about your comments about me.”


The actress in red couldn‘t maintain the smile on her face. She forced herself to say something. But before she could do that, the girl next to her stood in front of Vivian.

“What we‘ve said is all true, and you know it! Stop pretending to be innocent. Do you really think you can make it with the help of those big shots you Chapter 565 Well Prepared Corripetitor


“Emma...” The actress in red looked anxious.

Emma sized up Vivian and said, “I wonder how capable you are to win the

the big shots and become

about that. But let me remind you that walls have ears. Remember to lock the door when you speak ill of

her phone which had been recording their conversation the

and appreciated the look



the room, and stood in front of the corridor surveillance. “What if

the actress in red tried to talk themselves out of it again.

plan to grab Vivian‘s phone. “Vivian, don‘t

Really?” With a scornful sneer, Vivian swung her

in the entertainment industry, big breasts are optional but good brains are

this point, it seemed that Vivian had suddenly thought of something. Her gaze swept across Emma‘s face. Vivian covered her mouth

might be wrong. I remember our deputy

reactions, Vivian

Emma clenched her teeth and

went smoothly. It‘s almost

producer looked at

Vivian and Jaylin who were in the middle of filming.

in the look in Jaylin‘s

No wonder...

sighed in her heart,

the filming, Jaylin wanted to talk to Melissa but only to find that she had left. His good

that. Although she had made it to visit today, she couldn‘t stay long because she had a meeting with people from another company in

have signed the contract for cooperation tomorrow morning, but strangely, that company insisted on doing it

afternoon, so she agreed, but she was also

“Ms. Eugen, it‘s Devan.”

assistant handed

boss of the company, who she would be seeing

meeting at a technology

“Ms. Eugen, I‘m really sorry but can

sorry, what?”

opportunity of collaborating with you, so I think that we should, uh, talk it through

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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