Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 584

Chapter 584 Lazybones

However, Melissa ignored them and went straight to the kitchen to look at Clara, who was stewing things.

“Clara, is there anything else to eat?”

Hearing this, Clara turned her head, and when she saw Melissa, she had a smiley face.

“Ms. Eugen, before Mr. Gibson left, he instructed me to make some soup for you. It‘s in the pot right now.”

As Clara spoke, she took out a bowl and a spoon. “Ms. Eugen, please wait for a moment at the dining table. I‘ll bring it to you right away.”

Melissa curved her mouth, “Thank you, Clara.”

Just as Melissa was waiting at the dining table, Claire, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly stood up.

“Some people are just born lazybones.”

She whispered in Melissa‘s ear, and coincidentally, Clara came over with the soup. Coldness flashed through Claire‘s eyes, and she deliberately elbowed Clara‘s wrist.

Clara couldn‘t hold the bowl, and it fell to the ground with all the soup in it spilled.

“Clara, how can you be so careless?” Claire looked at Clara with a complaint. She walked away and looked down to see if her clothes were splashed with the


However, Claire felt that it was a pity that the soup wasn‘t spilled on Melissa‘s face,

Clara panicked in an instant. She immediately bent down and was about to

clean up the mess.

“I‘m so sorry, Melissa, Ms. Gibson. Were you burned? I‘ll go get you some more right away.”

that she was not injured, Melissa said softly, “I can do

Claire reached


response, Claire walked toward

know what

the pot and walked toward Melissa. She had a smile on her

Melissa and acted as if she had bumped into something.

would do this, so she quickly pulled

foot and

lost her balance and

noise sounded, and Sarah, who was watching the show on the sofa,

bit against the dining table, and most of the soup was splashed on ber. In the end, even the pot

Chapter 584 Lazybones

She was covered with oil stains and the vegetables in the

Claire screamed at


when she saw Claire drenched in the soup, she withdrew

You slut!” Sarah turned to glare at Melissa and

raised her hand to

could Melissa sit still while doing nothing? She stepped aside

Sarah while casting her gaze

can you

to drink the soup so much, just

by Claire‘s perseverance. Wasn‘t it enough

covered her abdomen, and

Claire heard Melissa‘s words, the anger in her heart became even stronger. She disregarded everything and stretched

Claire stepped on the oil on the floor and fell to the




The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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