Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 587

Chapter 587 You Will See My Parents Soon

“Relax. This is the Gibson family’s party. Today is Mr. Marc‘s birthday, and the Gibson family invited our family. My brother is too busy, so my father asked me to attend,” Arno explained.

“The Gibson family?” Vivian was stunned. Was that...

Arno seemed to have read what Vivian was thinking and nodded.

“Yes, Ms. Eugen will also be present.”

“Then... Are we going with your parents?” Vivian blinked her eyes.

Hearing this, Arno shook his head. “No. We will meet at the party. You don‘t need to be too nervous.”

Arno paused for a moment and then said with a smile, “You will meet my parents sooner or later. Just take it as a preview.”

Hearing his words, Vivian hammered Arno‘s chest with a lovable expression.

Arno grabbed Vivian‘s palm, pressed it against his lips, and gently kissed it. “I will wait. I will wait for the day when you are ready.”

Vivian‘s eyes blinked as she nodded.

Then, Arno took Vivian to choose a dress.

And on the other side, Melissa was also preparing for the party.

Murray looked at Melissa, who was standing in front of the mirror. He stepped forward and hugged her waist from behind. He put his lower jaw on her shoulder, gently leaving a kiss on her neck.

However, Melissa seemed to have noticed something and was a little unhappy. She rubbed her stomach and turned to look at Murray.

“Why do I feel like I‘ve put on weight recently?”

Murray pinched Melissa‘s slender waist with doubts.

gaze moved away from Melissa‘s face and fell on her lower abdomen. His meaning was very

his arm. “It was all your fault. The food you made was

a baby needs nutrition.” Murray continued to tease

on the door. Murray‘s assistant was standing outside, holding a

and took the gift box. Melissa looked at it curiously. “Is

had seen Murray‘s

reached out to pick

“It‘s for you.”

a moment. Under Murray‘s signal, she opened the gift box and found a beautiful, luxurious

“Let‘s wear this to attend the

smile on her face as she took the dress and entered the fitting room to

had good taste The wine red evening dress

beautiful figure, and

mirror, then walked


it look good?” Melissa

up. He stepped forward and

some time before the banquet, so Melissa changed her dress. Murray had already left to arrange the banquet. Melissa also wanted to go with him, but she received a call from

Jaylin said. “He

good.” Melissa smiled. Suddenly, she met a person at


It was Adela.

hung up the phone, but she had no intention of going forward to greet Adela.

about to start. Why haven‘t


asked, “Don‘t tell me you haven‘t prepared a

was a little worried about Adela‘s

said faintly, “If you don‘t have anything to say, then don‘t force yourself. It will

smile on her face could no longer be maintained. Seeing that Melissa was about to leave, Adela called

wrong to make you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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