Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 592

Chapter 592 Julia Is Unreconciled

Julia had never lost so thoroughly in her life.

Those looks of envy that should have fallen on her now fell on Melissa. This made Julia clench her hands that were hanging by her side tightly.

Julia was unreconciled.

However, no one paid any attention to what Julia was thinking. Everyone at the banquet focused on Melissa and Marc.

“Mr. Marc, do you like this gift?”

Melissa smiled at Marc. Although Melissa already knew that Marc was very satisfied through his reaction, she wanted to hear Marc say it.

“I‘m a little dissatisfied.”

However, Melissa had never expected that Marc would say this when he saw Melissa, who was seeking a compliment.

The smile on Melissa‘s face froze, and she looked at Marc innocently and pitifully, “Marc, I‘ve prepared this gift for so long. Is there anything that you are not satisfied with?“.

“There are no problems with the gift you prepared. I am not satisfied with Keyon.”

When Melissa heard this, she blinked her eyes curiously.

Marc crossed his arms and played with the beads in his hands. He snorted coldly and said, “Back then, that stubborn old man refused to sell me the carved jade pendant no matter what I said. I gave him so many good things, but in the end, he still deceived me. I was so angry.”

Marc was furious when he thought of what happened back then.

However, when Melissa heard “jade pendant,” she was slightly dumbfounded.

Wasn‘t that the thing Keyon gave to her?

Melissa‘s expression was a little complicated. She quietly turned her eyes and moved to Marc‘s side.

Marc, think about it. Mr. Buckton has retired for many years. He swore that he

this, he pursed his lips into a smile and reached out to

you did. But I

as you‘re happy, it‘s

happier is that you and Murray have a

“Mr. Marc!”

at the banquet. She shrunk her neck and

say something, but Murray had reached out and pulled Melissa into

her gift, the birthday banquet was almost halfway through. Although Marc liked to be lively, it would make him feel noisy if there were too many people and the banquet lasted too long. Therefore,

birthday banquet, in the end, the people invited were all members of rich families and the people

celebrating Marc‘s birthday, they were here to expand their connections, and the second half of


sofa and ate the cake. She watched Murray talking to others from afar and felt


that moment, Vivian walked over holding her skirt. Arno was following

at Vivian. Before she could

people who broke into the company before, and the mole in the company? Who are they? Can you tell

it was rare

a lesson. These two people are too hateful. They caused such big trouble and almost made me...”

before that, how do you want to

looked at

I haven‘t had a perfect

What if I were to abuse them, and they sue me instead? Wouldn‘t I

to Vivian. “No, I think that whatever you do, your family will do their best to protect

you two young lovers are so loving. People all simply envy

she saw that this shy girl

592 Julia Is


Arno beside her and revealed a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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