Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 596

Chapter 596 Make Her Stomach in knots

Harley woke up at that moment. He opened his eyes and looked at the person beside him. He found that it was Sylvia,

Seeing that both of them were naked, he quickly wrapped his body in a quill and glared at Sylvia. “What did you do last night.”

Sylvia looked at him with sleepy eyes and then gradually came back to her


“You were drunk last night. I wanted to send you liome, but you shouted that you wanted to vomit. I couldn‘t let you get out of the driver‘s car, and I look you to a nearby hotel. I wanted you to vomit before sending you back in the end, you pulled me to bed...”

Sylvia did not continue the rest of the sentence, but Harley had already known,

But when he carefully recalled what happened last night, he did not have the slightest impression of it.

He only remembered that he fell on the table after drinking and was unconscious. His memory of last night was completely blank.

Looking at Sylvia crying so sadly, he didn‘t know whether what she said was true or not.

“Can‘t you resist? You know Nina...”

At this point, Harley had no choice. If he continued, his heart would be filled with guilt for Nina. She was pregnant now. If she knew about this, she would definitely collapse.

Sylvia gradually stopped crying and raised her head to look at him with a face full of grievances as if she tried so hard. “I know that Nina is pregnant now, and knowing that this matter must be a big blow to hier. Don‘t worry, I won‘t tell anyone about this matter. Just pretend that nothing happened,

Chapter 596 Make Her Stomach in Kota

you do not like me Even though there

more complicated. He did not know what to say. He just

that the call

the hotel room before she raised her hand to wipe away the tears that did not exist on

Nina made a fuss, Harley would be hers sooner or later. She didn‘t believe that any women

Ten minutes ago.

the phone, and Nina‘s voice came from the receiver. “Hey, Harley,

Harley to come home the whole night. If Harley had something to do, he would have told her in advance. He had not called her last night, Nina was

was Nina. However, she deliberately pretended to be very tired. Her tone was lazy, but she raised her voice She did not sound tired at all. She even had the intention of showing

tired last night and fell asleep Um. If

heard Sylvia‘s voice, she was stunned for a moment and unconsciously pursed her lips. After a moment,

responded lazıly and subconsciously glanced at Harley,

Nina heard it dearly, and the light in

She heard it

Nina, “Miss Paul, you heard it too. Harley was with me last night, and I was the one who took care of him. If you have nothing to do, hang up first. When he wakes up, I will

the phone, Harley woke up, and

had arranged outside the hotel. The purpose was to take photos of her and Harley leaving the hotel one after the other. It would definitely become gossip.

she couldn‘t even

left the hotel, Sylvia also appeared outside the hotel entrance. She even pretended to look around before lowering her cap and leaving

after she left, Sylvia received

Cowan, everything is

walked to the left street, got into a

and left

absent minded after leaving the hotel, but the first thing he thought of was Nina. He had 1101 gone home all night she must be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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