Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 598

Chapter 598 Escape From the Last Day Celebration  Nina walked aimlessly on the street. Her footsteps were unusually heavy. She stroked the child in her belly.

recovered?  Was he ... alright?  Today was the last day of filming for Jaylin and Vivian. Melissa also went to the filming set and saw that the filming was over.  Originally, the director wanted to invite her to participate in the celebratory banquet, but Melissa thought about it and rejected it. After all, there were still some things that the company had not dealt with.  Before leaving, Melissa told Vivian's agent to let Vivian drink less. After all, Vivian couldn't drink much. Moreover, the paparazzi would definitely take photos of the last day celebration banquet. It would not be good if something happened.  However, what Melissa did not expect was that Vivian had already thought of escaping the banquet.  Because Vivian had already promised Arno to go out with him, not long after the banquet began, Vivian had already drunk a few glasses of wine. When Renita saw this, she was about to stop her, but she saw Vivian wink at her and then pretended to be very uncomfortable sitting at the side.  Renita stood up and supported Vivian. Renita said apologetically to the people present, "Sorry, Vivian couldn't drink too much. She may be a little drunk now. I'll help her get back to rest first."  Fortunately, the director and producer didn't insist on letting her stay. Seeing this, Renita quickly took Vivian back to rest. She quickly helped Vivian out of Chapter 598 Escape From the Last Day Celebration  2/5  the private room.  However, not long after that, Vivian suddenly came to her senses and raised her head.  "You are really bold, even daring to run away from the banquet." Renita poked Vivian on the forehead helplessly.  Vivian covered her forehead with a smile and dodged. She grinned at Renita and said, "Hmm... It's a special situation."  Seeing this, Renita snorted and looked at her watch. "Go on your date. Remember not to stay too late. We still have things to do tomorrow."  "I know, I know." Vivian turned around with a smile. Renita looked at her and felt that something was wrong, but she did not think much about it and was ready to go back to the hotel to rest.  On the other hand, Vivian had already informed Arno where the banquet was. He was now waiting for Vivian in the parking lot. He saw Vivian coming out from afar.  Arno was about to go up to her when Vivian saw him. Vivian instantly rushed toward him and plunged into her arms. Arno was stunned for a moment. He reached out and touched Vivian's head.  "Where are we going?" Vivian looked up at Arno with a blush on her cheeks.  Arno lowered his head and just as he was about to say something, he saw that Vivian had already pouted her lips, seemingly hoping to get a kiss.  Seeing this, Arno reached out and pinched Vivian's cheek. "Are you drunk?"  Vivian opened her eyes and answered vaguely, "In order to come out earlier."  Her voice was soft and seemed to be acting spoiled.  "I was just pretending to be drunk, but I really had to drink." Chapter 598 Escape from the Last Day Cefetuation  Arno saw this and frowned slightly. He had heard from Vivian's agent that Vivian's alcohol tolerance was very poor.  Coupled with her running out so early, he was afraid that Vivian didn't have anything else except for wine.  Arno originally wanted to bring her back to sober up, but Vivian shook her head and told Arno.  "I want to go to a food stall. I don't like the food at the banquet."  Arno nodded. He wanted to buy some hangover medicine for Vivian, but Vivian refused unhappily  "I am not drunk. I am very sober. It is just a few glasses of wine. I am fine." 

this child, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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