Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 605

Chapter 605 A Strange Feeling  Seeing the look on his face, Melissa had a strange feeling. asked.  Murray was silent and blinked.

“Is there a problem with the message?” she

look. The director is very famous."  Vivian said, "I got the document." She opened the email and exclaimed, - "Marvin Lynn! Oh my! Meli, are you sure you sent me the right script? I can't  miss this."  Marvin was a very famous director in the film industry. Three years ago, he won countless international awards with just one movie, and he made many actors famous.  Vivian never expected that she would have a chance to work with such a top director,  "Before you get too excited, take a good look at the script. There won't be a paycheck for you,"  "No paycheck?" Vivian asked and was stunned for a moment,  Melissa continued, "And do you know where the set is? In the mountains of the southwest it will take at least two or three months, and you may be completely cut off from the outside world by then."  Melissa was also very excited when she got the script and saw that the director  was Marvin. But she hesitated after seeing the request below.  This movie was almost a bold attempt by Marvin. He was thinking about overturning everything he was familiar with. And the movie was made for the country, so a paycheck would be very unlikely.  Moreover, they would film in the harshest place in the mountains of the southwest. Many experienced actors might not be able to accept such conditions, let alone rising stars like Vivian.  More importantly, Marvin had very strict requirements for actors. Everyone in the industry knew about this. Although many of his movies were very famous, not many actors who had just entered the entertainment industry chose to work with Marvin.  "I'll give you some time to think about it. If you don't want to, don't force yourself."  Melissa said this as Vivian was silent.  Vivian let out a chuckle. "Meli, you're underestimating me."  Melissa did not speak. She just looked forward to what Vivian would say next.  Then Vivian added firmly, "Meli, I'm taking this job.  "I am a professional actress. What

Melissa nat

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