Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 609

Chapter 609 A Simmering Situation "Please come in," Melissa said. Her assistant opened the door and walked in, looking weird. Melissa looked at her assistant in confusion and asked, "What's wrong?" "Ms.

that? I'm sad now.". Quentin said in an aggrieved tone. "Plus, I don't want to compete with you in business. However, we are in the same business. Conflicts are inevitable. I believe that you will understand." "Other than the conflicts, what else do you want to do?" Melissa was a straightforward person. She did not like such a secretive conversation. "Life needs surprises. They will make life more interesting. Aren't you looking forward to a surprise?" It seemed that Quentin was always smiling. It bothered Melissa a lot. She didn't want to talk with Quentin anymore. "Mr. Tacke, you can do whatever you want. I'll wait and see." Without waiting for any response from the other end of the line, Melissa directly hung up. The assistant had been watching. Seeing Melissa's unhappy expression, the assistant asked, "Ms. Eugen, you..." "Yeah. Life needs surprises." Melissa raised a smile. She could see how interesting her life was going to be. However, Melissa did not think that a man like Quentin would only cause trouble for Vivian. She thought, I must have overlooked something, or Quentin is too mysterious. "Go investigate Quentin Tacke and see what he has been doing lately," Melissa ordered her assistant. The assistant responded with a nod and left. At the same time, Quentin, who had been hung up by Melissa, twitched his mouth and leaned on the sofa. "What kind of a person would confess everything evil he had done?" Julia crossed her legs, sitting opposite Quentin. There was a mocking expression on her face. Julia thought, if I had another choice, how would I choose to cooperate with this man? He is just a bastard of the Tacke family. He is crazy and indecent. "Ms. Wright, haven't you heard of a saying? An excellent hunter should always behave like prey. "Besides, it makes the game more interesting. You think you are in control of everything. But in fact, you are just a fool controlled by others. Am I right, Ms. Wright?" A strange smile appeared on Quentin's face. Quentin stared straight at Julia with his gloomy eyes. Julia felt chilly instantly. She suddenly stood up and turned to leave, leaving one sentence. "I've told you what Robert said. It's up to you whether you listen or not. But Quentin, Melissa and Murray aren't weak people. You'd better know when to stop." Hearing that, Quentin frowned slightly. He pressed his palm against his lips. Quentin shouted at Julia, "Robert? You sound very intimate with him, as if you are going to marry into the Tacke family soon. Julia, don't forget who you are." Julia stopped. She abruptly turned to look at Quentin, who was grinning. But in the end, Julia only snorted and left in her high heels. Chapter 604 A S ering Situation Ger Bonus "What an idiot. They are all idiots," Quentin mumbled as he wagged his head. The situation on Quentin's side

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