Chapter 611 I Am Too Into the Food

Because Marvin changed the subject to the dishes and didn’t talk about work anymore, Vivian had a very relaxing meal.

Marvin still did not mention anything about the movie or the part when they paid the bill.

“The food here is good. I can bring my friends over next time,” Marvin said with a smile.

“Actually, there is a good restaurant across the street. It’s small, but there is a lot of delicious food.”

Hearing that, Vivian became interested. She even excitedly shared her experience with Marvin. Marvin didn’t reject it. They discussed it really seriously.

They weren't as ginger as they were when they first met.

Standing aside and watching that, Melissa shook her head amusedly.

They finally said goodbye. Vivian got into the van but was still a little excited.

“Mr. Lynn isn’t as serious as people say. I feel that he is quite easy to get along with.”

Hearing Vivian’s words, Melissa did not say anything. She looked at Vivian with her arms crossed.

Noticing Melissa’s gaze, Vivian paused for a second. Suddenly, she slapped her thigh and suddenly remembered a much more important matter, which was the purpose of their meeting with Marvin today.

“Oh no. Melissa, I’m so screwed up.” Vivian blinked and looked at Melissa.

However, Melissa looked very calm. “Why? Wasn't the food good?”

She looked at Melissa with a sad expression. Vivian reached out to gently pinch the corner

clothes and shook

fool. I was too into the

was so remorseful. It was such an important opportunity for her, but she lost it because

give herself a punch. She swore to herself that she would be on a diet

complicated expression, Melissa let out a sigh. She reached out and poked

you finally remember what came for? I thought that you only cared which restaurant was

should I do now? Can I

Mr. Lynn didn't like you and didn't want

thought he chatted with me because

that all you think about? The food?” Melissa looked at Vivian as

looked confused. She did not understand what Melissa was saying at all. “Melissa, don't keep

industry for so long. You should be able to read people’s unspoken words. Why are you still

to meet us at the food stall, don’t you?” Hearing the

a food stall, how will I be able to

it. Now, do you know whether Mr. Lynn wants

this meal, Melissa had been observing Marvin's expression. Perhaps Vivian had a lot of qualities that Marvin had always wanted. That might be why Marvin kept discussing the topic he liked with

well. Melissa thought, if he hadn‘t been satisfied with

help Vivian get the job

definitely give me

head, Vivian suddenly became excited. She almost forgot that she was in

was startled and quickly reminded Vivian. “I'm just too happy. Sorry.” Vivian touched her

arrogant as other directors. He was very approachable. Vivian would be happy to invite Marvin to dinner again if she had the chance. “They may get in

“Okay.” Vivian nodded hurriedly.

Vivian back to her apartment on the way. It

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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