Chapter 621 She’s so Bold

Melissa frowned, she did not expert Adela to be so bold,

Murray's face was stern He did not expect to have been whelmed like that.

But Murray was a smart man and had figured it all out. He turned to look at Melissa and slowly said.

“Adela is just a pawn of Ouentin’s,”

The scene Adela had made at Marc’s birthday party caused great damage to her family's reputation, and Adela also became infamous

Murray had only met Quentin a few times, but based on the information he had found, he knew that Quentin wasn't a sloppy guy as Quentin appeared to be

Quentin was very good at weighing the pros and cons, so he wouldn't continue to work with a pawn that had /ost its original value

Perhaps in his eyes, Adela was just an appetizer, and the rest of the feast had yet to be served.

Based on the current situation, Murray knew that he was not Quentin's priority.

Quentin was about to return to the Tacke family, and that was his priority.

Murray was curious about what it would be like when Quentin and Robert met.

“Quentin calfed me and to/d me about Adela. I’m still not sure what he is up to. He's unpredictable,” Melissa said, frowning To be honest, Melissa didn’t want to have anything to do with Quentin.

Murray held Melissa's waist and took her into his arms. He gently planted a kiss on her forehead and said in a husky voice, “Quentin has met Julia.”

mention of Julia, Melissa was upset. Every time she met Julia,

gently riddled with the button on Murray's shirt. She tilted her head and

with the Wright family and the Tacke family would

always aimed for benefits, but the Wright family has no value to

hint of surprise llashed across Melissa’s face. She blinked and looked at Murray doubtfully, “No value? The Wright family is a big family.

in terms of power or social status. Why would Robert think the Wright family

you think a businessman values the most?” Murray answered

a moment and then bowed her head.

his eyes slightly. “Do you think the

“What is it then?”

wrapped her arms around Murray’s neck,

as he said, “What the Tacke family values the most is connections, but the Wright family has always been in seclusion. They have accumulated a considerable amount of money over the years,

of inoney. However, it had only been a few decades since the Wright family became

reputation only because David Wright was

make friends with the Wright family. So, Robert wouldn't be interested in that

everything done. Being so rich must have some benefits,”

any big families in Aldness short of money?”

the surface, these large families appeared to be decent, but the shady things

Murray become Quentin's target? It was because of that

could not help but

so determined to take her to live in the countryside. It was a wonderful place

that she was worried about the power

not worried about this shit. I’m thinking about whether we should live in the quiet countryside when we get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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